Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 15 4.5

She could only restrain her flaring temper and continued speaking. “I amShi Min, personal maid of Prince Qing Li’s Imperial Concubine, Princess ZhangLiu of Zhao Bei. The princess has sent me here to warn Duke Ming to be wary ofHis Highness Qing Li. A fiend has mislead His Highness, causing him to lose hisrationality. He has been gathering experts in order to assassinate Duke Mingonce he steps foot into Tong’s capital.”

Luo Ning lifted his cup of tea and lightly took a sip. He gave a glancetowards Shi Min and said coldly, “Is that so?”

In regards to Qing Li’s intentions, Luo Ning had already known.

In fact, the prince’s actions were connected to his sister, Luo QianQian’s plan. Even though he was not aware of all the details, he knew that thisPrince Qing Li was a pawn in her schemes.

Unfortunately, Princess Zhang Liu’s warning was intercepted by himbefore it could reach Feng Ming.

Luo Ning smiled mockingly inside as he indifferently listened to the bignews. Putting the tea cup down, he asked, “If you really are Princess ZhangLiu’s maid, do you have any evidence to back up your claim?”

Shi Min was astonished.

She had come from a noble background in Zhao Bei and had been selectedby the princess to be her personal maid. She had managed to overcome many challengesafterwards. This time, she alone was tasked to travel from the capital to HanRuo in secret with the purpose of meeting Duke Ming. In her lifetime, this hadbeen the most difficult hurdle she ever faced.

The earth shattering news she had brought should have caused the manbefore her to be shocked, but not even a ripple of emotion could be seen on hiscalm face.

“Of course I have evidence. I have here a letter from the princess,” theexpression on her face was gloomy as she continued, “however, I must personallyhand this over to Duke Ming.”

Luo Ning coldly sneered. “All items that are delivered to the Young Lordneed to be checked twice before they are given to him. You have not removedyour veil, and I am incapable of seeing your face. You also refuse to let mesee the evidence, yet you still wish to meet with our Young Lord? He he… ShiMin xiaojie, are you notunderestimating our Young Lord? Don’t tell me Princess Zhang Liu permits anyonewho wishes to see her to appear before her so easily.”

Editor note : [The use of xiaojie

is taboo in some parts of China as it may refer toprostitutes. In Suzhou, xiaojie is substituted with yatou (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: 丫頭; pinyin: yātou), which in turn may be considered offensive in otherparts of China because yatou alsomeans "dumb girl".]

TLN : In theraw, they use小姐xiáo jiě andby dictionary it means - Miss(title of an unmarried young woman, used before her surname) or (derog.) call girl. Since Miss Shi Mindoesn’t really fit so I will continue to use it as such. Same as I’m using Gongzhiin previous chapter.

“How dare you!”

“Humph, let me see the letter or you can leave immediately. I don’t wantto waste anymore of my time entertaining you.”

Luo Ning stood up, ready to kick her out.

Shi Min looked at him as she carefully considered what to do.

This DukeMing is Xi Lei’s King, Rong Tian’s most beloved person, and he is also the Masterof the Xiao Family’s only son. It makes sense that he would have such tightsecurity, making it incredibly difficult to see him. This guy’s words should betrue, right?

The princess was waiting day and night for a reply, so how could shejust leave empty handed?

After a moment of hesitation, she took off her veil, revealing abeautiful face. Her hand quickly produced the letter personally written by the princessand handed it over to Luo Ning.

Luo Ning unceremoniously accepted and opened the letter in front of ShiMin. After examining the contents of the letter, he finally said, “Hmm, it isindeed the seals of both the Royal Princess of Zhao Bei and Tong’s Crown PrinceImperial Concubine.”

He has led the Xiao Family’s assassins for many years, and it could besaid that in this world, there was no one who knew more about every country’sinfluential figures than him. Distinguishing between a fake and a legitimateseal is not an easy thing to do, but he is capable of doing so.

Princess Zhang Liu’s beautiful handwriting could be seen written on theletter which personally related her fear of Qing Li’s plans to assassinate FengMing. Furthermore, she relayed detailed information from her investigation ofQing Li’s recent recruitment of expert swordsmen.

Shi Min carefully observed his expression and coldly said, “So? Do youstill possess doubts towards what I have told you?”

Finished reading the letter, Luo Ning stood up and said, “Wait here. Iwill go and speak with the Young Lord.”

“Hey!” Shi Min shouted. “Why aren’t you bringing me along with you?”

“Wait for Young Lordinstruction later. Not necessarily that he wants to meet you.”

Leaving herwith those careless words, Luo Ning left Shi Min inside the room and step out.Outside, he commanded one of the guards in a low voice, “Do not allowthe woman inside to leave and make sure to let no one see her.”

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