The Alpha's Return

Chapter 109 - One Sided Fight

"You are absolutely right. But no one here even has a shield. What do you expect them to do?" Frode heard Lucas\' voice behind him. Before he could even move, the world froze for him. The world started tilting on its side, and soon, it became upside down. Now, all he could see was a headless body, with a huge wolf standing beside it.

Frode wanted to shout, to warn everyone about the appearance of Lucas, but not a single word came out of his mouth. It was as if he was tongue-tied, and he was not allowed to say anything anymore.

​ But he recognized that body. That headless body wore a very similar armor to what he was wearing.

"That\'s me, isn\'t it." Frode thought to himself as his vision blackened, and he could see no more.

The whole army was in chaos. With the commander gone, Lucas was in the best possible state that he could be. The commander was a necessary kill, in Lucas\' opinion, and that was why Frode was the first person to die. As for the rest, Lucas did not care if they lived or died.

An army without a leader was basically a headless snake. Without any commands, the army was no longer moving in unison. With some moving forward to deal with Lucas, while others trying to run away, it was a very chaotic scene to see.

"Now then, Tell me. What do you guys wish to do? How is it that I see not a single good warrior here though? I thought that the hell rooms would be the first to come and fight me, but it looks like they are all cowards, hiding behind a few walls. I will break into your base later. Now all of you, come charge at me, or you will not get another chance!" Lucas bellowed.

Inciting all the warriors, Lucas howled once more. With this, all the warriors were incensed. They started running towards Lucas, trying to hack at him with their weapons. Lucas did not want to waste his precious limited kills on these cannon fodder, but in the air, blood and a few body parts were flying.

Few had died, and most were on the ground, handicapped. Many shouted with pain, while hundreds more took their place. Lucas was slashing his claws, and with each and every slash, at least ten warriors were implicated. Lucas looked ahead, and it seemed that the warriors at the front, who were all bearing heavy shields, were being forced to come to the site of the fight, so that they could bear the brunt of this attack.

"What are you trying to do? Taunt me into killing you faster, or challenge me into destroying those puny shields of yours? Because both of them are very much in the realm of possibility." Lucas laughed.

"You should shut up and fight more. Since the start of the fight, all that I could hear you do was talk, talk, and talk. This is getting kind of irritating for a spectator like me." Fenrir suddenly said.

"But fighting with just my claws is also irritating. This is not fun anymore. All of these people are all very, very useless. They are not even putting up a fight." Lucas complained.

"Then finish this useless fight, and go on to the base. I am sure that the hell room warriors will at the least, put up a fight. After all, they will be banding against you together, and they will know better than to underestimate you." Fenrir said.

"Yeah. You are right." Lucas nodded.

He held up his white and unblemished head as he howled once more. This howl was no longer just a show of strength. The blood curling howl froze every single warrior on the field. All of them felt that for a momentary second there, their legs gave away. Their bodies would not move, and their eyes would only look at Lucas.

It was then that Lucas struck. A white flash passed through the entire field, and legs flew out like they were candies, and all the warriors were on the ground. Lucas did not show any mercy. Men and women alike were all on the ground, writhing with pain. Some of them could not even handle the pain, and closed their eyes for the night.

Lucas then started pawing his mane. Not a drop of blood had fallen on him, although the ground that he stood on was drenched in it. The people who were around him were all on their knees, unable to walk any longer.

"Damn it. I thought that this would keep down the kill count, but it looks like all of the people here are pussies. They could not even take a little pain? What are they here for? Valhalla my foot." Lucas scoffed.

"I told you, didn\'t I? The mortal realm is much more interesting than this monotone boring routine." Fenrir said.

Lucas looked at the army. It was decreased by at least half with Lucas\' latest attack, and the rest of the warriors were looking at him with wary eyes.

Lucas growled towards them. Most of the warriors there flinched as they took a few steps back. They pointed their weapons at him, but the hands that held them were shaking. They were no longer their confident selves.

"They won\'t even put a fight anymore. Look at those eyes that gave up. Fighting them is pointless. I will go to their base." Lucas shook his head as he turned away and started running. He soon disappeared from sight, and the army was left here on their own.

"How does a terrifying monster like that even exist?" a warriors said with a trembling voice, filled with fear.

"I heard that he made a contract with the devil himself. I thought that this was a rumor, but now I think it is true. He must have traded his soul for power. That power should only belong to a god. Not to a human. What were the gods thinking, to let us face against someone like that?" another warrior said.

"He looked like a normal human. We need to ask that other female companion that he talked to. She looked normal, but I swear, she might also be someone like him. A monster."


Lucas was far away from the army. He was still running, but he was puzzled.

"Why would the army be so far away from the base itself? Something is wrong. I am sure that the base is on the other side, but what was Ragnar thinking? Did he think that separating me from the base mean that I would not find him? What was he aiming for? A draw?" Lucas thought to himself.

Lucas could see a huge blue structure soon. He assumed that this was the base of the blue team. It was semi transparent, and he could see that there was a blue flag in the center of the building. It was taunting him to come closer.

Lucas frowned as he looked around. His ears tingled, and his eyes narrowed. He could hear twenty eight heartbeats.

"One of them is Angela. So that will make it twenty-nine. Five hell rooms. That makes sense. But all of them are just inside the building? What are they doing, waiting there like sitting ducks? Did Anglea or Ragnar not warn them?" Lucas wondered as he took a few steps towards the building.

"Wait, Lucas. There is a terrifying presence that I feel here. I think that someone powerful has descended here." Fenrir suddenly said.

"That\'s right. He did read my presence. Damn it, Fenrir. To think that you would be able to see through your father so well. I thought that you would wait for a few moments to sniff me out before I appeared behind you. It looks like you outsmarted me this time." Lucas heard a chilling voice behind him.

"Father, what are you doing here? I thought that you were supposed to be behind bars." Fenrir said with a cold voice.

"How distant. Your father is here, yet the only thing that you did was ask why I was roaming free? No hug? Your mother would be so disappointed." the same voice said.

Lucas turned around. He could see a man standing behind him. Bearing a tuxedo, and blonde hair, he looked anything but a trickster. He looked cunning, fearsome, and not at all like the clown that many portrayed him to be.

"Loki." Lucas said with a deep voice.


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