The Alpha's Return

Chapter 15 - Secret Bunker

The coming morning,

Lucas opened his eyes. He was no longer lying on the couch, but rather on the floor. He must have tipped over at some point. He got up and looked around. The floor looked like your normal house, except that it was bigger in every way. Lucas moved to what seemed to be the kitchen and opened the pantry. He obviously did not have anything in the fridge as this was not his actual day to day residence. He took out a can of beans and opened it.

"You don\'t have anything else to eat? Why don\'t we go out?", Fenrir asked Lucas.

"Why do you care?", Lucas asked.

"I am literally one with you. I taste what you taste. I see what you see. I smell what you smell. I thought you knew that.", Fenrir said.

"No, I meant you are a dog. Why would you care about what food I eat? What standards do you even have.", Lucas said laughing.

He opened the can and started eating the beans straight from it with a spoon as he moved away from the kitchen to a part of his bunker that was definitely unique to it. It was a lab of sorts. There were all sorts of instruments in there, and it seemed like a straight up medical facility. He went up to the equipment. There was a lot of dust built up all over the equipment.

Moving around, he finally came to a computer of sorts. Turning it on, he sat on the chair. The computer was not old by any means. It looked like the newest addition to this dust ridden place.

"Ting!", the computer booted up.

"Okay. Now that the computer is up, we can start running some tests.", he said.

"So this is the computer. Oh, it looks so interesting. Wait, that screen is so responsive. Wow, I am impressed.", Fenrir started commenting about every step that Lucas took.

"Shut up", he grumbled as he got up. He took a test tube, and a syringe. Taking some blood out, he put it in the test tube. Closing it up, he started shaking it furiously. Then, he went over to a peculiar looking machine. He pressed the power button, but nothing happened.

"So, looks like your equipment is not that trusty.", Fenrir chuckled.

"It\'s been a while since I used this. It might take some time to get it to turn on.", Lucas said. Soon enough, Lucas was proven right, and the machine turned on. Lucas put the test tube in, and he slid back to the computer.

"What now?", Fenrir asked.

"We wait. I have a database of all the poisons that are effective against werewolves. I will run my blood for each and every one. To see if this was a long term plan, or just a momentary impulse by Peter.", Lucas said.

"What will you do if it was just a momentary impulse, huh? Are you going to forgive him?", Fenrir asked.

"Forgive? He betrayed me. He is not going to have a good time. He will die, no doubt about that. Question is, will it be swift, or will he feel it.", Lucas grinned.

"Now there is the Lucas I love so much.", Fenrir laughed.

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