Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 188

Ash\'s eyes inspected the woman\'s demeanor skeptically.  Uh, maybe this is a good sign? She seems pretty fucking calm, given the circumstances. Despite her strange behavior, Ash sat down in front of her. 

She didn\'t waste any time. 

"What\'s happening with Kaori, and how do I fix it?" Ash asked in her thoughts, as she guessed that Lumina could hear them in this place. 

"... Two fairly simple-sounding questions, but ones that require some context in order to fully answer," Lumina looked down into her cup. "Has Magia ever explained in detail where we are at the moment?" 

"Look," Ash sighed without any air. Lumina raised a brow. "No offense, you seem nicer than Magia, at least, but I really just want to get to the part where we go and save Kaori. So, can we skip the backstory here?" 

Lumina chuckled. 

"If you know of a way to skip months\' worth of preparation that will need to be done, then, by all means, let me know now so I can feel more at ease, Champion of Magia." 

When Ash heard that, she went pale. Ash paused, looking away for a moment. 

"... What?" 

"Yes," Lumina nodded, her smile disappearing for a moment. "Months. As much as both of us would like for Kaori to be returned to her regular self today, that will not be possible, given her current state. Now, could you allow me to explain why that is? I would like for you to receive all of the information necessary before Niven sends demons to this shrine or anything of the sort." 

Reluctantly, Ash nodded. 

"Go ahead..." 

"Good. As I was saying," Lumina looked around and the area they were in suddenly became a beautiful mountain, full of lush flowers and colorful trees. "This place where we are in currently is a separate realm of existence to the one your ordinary world consists of. In essence, it is one of the multiple different levels of reality. There\'s your world, our world, which is this one, and then there are dimensions that only the Higher Powers can perceive." 

With a flick of her only hand, Lumina transformed the area around them to a beach where a storm was raging. Lightning was falling in the distance, thunder cracked in the sky. The rain hitting Ash\'s body though felt real. 

"This world is made possible by the Sites of Power that belong to us, each of which serves as consolidated foundations of our power. \'Us\' being the gods, of course. That said," Lumina tilted her head, "Niven\'s Sites work differently compared to the rest of us. Because of the presence that his demons allow him to have on your world, what is supposed to be a balanced distribution between these Sites has become skewed in his favor." 

"... I am way too dumb for this," Ash thought and Lumina giggled at that in a way that reminded Ash of Kaori. 

"What I am trying to say is that, due to the war and its current state, whereas I or Magia or Alkoth would be able to enter Niven\'s Sites of Power and influence them directly, should we attempt to do so, he will have the upper hand over us because he simply has more divine power as of this time. This is why, given where Kaori is, I cannot handle this matter myself. This is why I need your help." 

As she said that, Ash caught onto the last portion of her statement and focused on that. 

"Where is she?" Ash asked. 

"Well, she is trapped. Her soul is currently caught in this realm," Lumina gestured at the area around them. "Not your world, but ours."

"... How did that happen?" Ash asked. "I don\'t get it."

"When that high-level demon attempted to turn Kaori into a Nightmare, Kaori\'s reaction was to use the ability that I had given her, which momentarily infused her with almost all of my divine power. This move saved her, but only temporarily. To put it in a metaphor," Lumina continued to explain, "when that demon tried to turn her, it was as though Niven had tied a rope to her left arm and tried to yank her away. When Kaori used the ability I\'d gifted her, it was like she allowed me to place another rope on her right arm and pull against Niven, forcing a... What do you call it? A tug-of-war, if you will. Do you see? She is caught between our forces because of this decision she made." 

"... So, she\'s here?" Ash asked, confused, looking around. 

"Yes, and no," Lumina told her. "She is both here, in my realm, and she is in Niven\'s realm. Niven\'s Other World. Her soul is caught between us, and until either Niven manages to pull her completely or I do, she will not wake." 

Ash took a deep breath. 

"And, since you said this would take months, I\'m guessing it\'s gonna take a lot for you to do that?" 

"No. It will take a lot for  you," she said, "to do that. See, as it stands, I cannot win against Niven in this matter." 

"What? Why?" 

"Niven holds more power in your world," Lumina said calmly. "Remember, each of the portals that he opens acts as a Site of Power for him. Whereas, on our end, most of ours have been deactivated over time. If all were equal, I would naturally hold more power than him, but that is simply not the case. However," Lumina added, "I do hold enough power to prevent him from taking Kaori\'s soul for a time. But," she leaned a little bit forward, "if we are to truly save Kaori, I need your assistance." 

"... So, what do I need to do?" 

Lumina nodded with a smile. 

"Take mental notes, Ash. You have many things you need to do if you are to rescue Kaori. You can tackle each of these steps in the order you choose. Keep that in mind." 

Lumina made a gesture with her hand and again, the area around them changed. In an instant, they were sitting right outside a portal, with the violet sky above them and demons lurking nearby. 

"Very well, firstly, the portals. Niven\'s Sites of Power outnumber our own. The ones that have been used to invade cities are not the only ones in existence, Ash. Many minor ones have been set up in the wilderness, where humanity is scarce. Close some of these portals and Niven\'s divine power will be reduced." 

She changed the area again and now, they were sitting on a cliff. Below, Ash could see a desert. She\'d never seen anything like this before. So much sand that she wondered when the water was supposed to start, as this clearly had to be a giant beach of some kind. 

Then, a dragon flew over their heads, giving a mighty roar that almost deafened Ash. She watched it with awe.

"Second, you need to become stronger," Lumina said. "And, so do I."

A second passed and now, the two of them were sitting in an abandoned church. 

"Finally, restore more Sites. Specifically, the Sites of Power that belong to me, since the ones that belong to all of us have been activated already. Niven is far stronger than I am when it comes to divine power right now, you need to balance those scales, as I cannot journey into your world myself." 

Ash, taking that information in, nodded. 

"So... Close more portals," she lifted a finger, "activate more old churches," she lifted another, "and level up?" 


"Okay... Why though? What are we going to do?" 

"We will be venturing into a place between Niven\'s realm and mine. A place between his demonic world and this one," she gestured around them, "intertwine. There, you will find Kaori\'s soul and, with his power, he will be able to conjure the strongest of enemies to face you and keep you away from it. You will need to dispatch them." 

"Wait, why don\'t you two fight it out? This is between you, right?" 

Lumina shook her head. 

"We cannot interfere too much, directly, in your affairs. The Higher Powers won\'t allow it. I suspect they only allow Niven to even conduct this war because of Magia\'s transgressions long ago. If Niven tries to stop you personally though, surely they\'d see it as crossing the line. The same goes for if I try to assist you too much. That means that, when the time comes, I will likely be allowed to empower you, and Niven will be allowed to place obstacles in your path, but neither of us will be allowed to directly manipulate the outcome of your attempt." 

"... So what you\'re saying is that it\'s all going to be on me?" Ash asked quietly. 

"Yes," Lumina said, leaving no room for doubt. "I will assist you as much as I possibly can. I am sure if you ask Magia she will do the same, maybe Alkoth will as well, though he works in mysterious ways so that might not even be true. However, in the end, it will all come down to you, Ash. You, and you alone, can prevent Kaori from turning into one of the strongest Nightmares Niven could have at his disposal." 

At that moment, Ash realized something. Although she\'d only seen this as her losing someone she held dear, there was also that factor. If they didn\'t get her back, Kaori wouldn\'t just be lost, she\'d become an enemy. 

Honestly, that hurt even more than the thought of Kaori dying did. 

"... How long do you think you can hold out?" Ash asked. 

"Well, that is why I said months. I estimate that I could, at most, last three months at my current level of divine power before Niven rips Kaori away from me and she fully transforms into a Nightmare." 

"Three months... Three months before I have to give Kaori\'s soul back to her myself?" Ash asked. 

"That is the gist of it, yes." 

"Three months. Three months before I even have the fucking possibility of seeing one of the two girls who have changed my entire life. Three months before she could ever wake up. Okay... Okay. I understand."

With that, Ash stood up. 

A determination suddenly sparked in her heart, burning as fervently as Ash had ever felt. Now that she knew what she needed to do, the chills of concern and fear were gone, and all that remained was concentration. 

"I\'ll do it. How strong do I need to get?" Ash asked. 

"As strong as you possibly can. Well then. That is all. You understand the situation now. Prepare yourself adequately. And, of course, good luck, Champion of Magia. Please, for both our sakes, bring Kaori back." 

The room changed one last time, and suddenly, there was a map in front of Ash, highlighting a spot just to the east of Onyx, close to the palace. The half-demon understood what this was. One of Lumina\'s Sites of Power. One of many they\'d need to even the odds.

And, with that, the realm around them dissipated and Ash found herself waking up back at the shrine, with Kaori\'s body in front of her. 

She took a deep breath and nodded to herself. 

Close more portals, restore Lumina\'s churches, farm as many levels as I can. And then, we get Kaori back. 

Ash turned her eyes down at the blonde, whose eyes were still closed and she now knew wouldn\'t open any time soon. 

Just you wait, Kaori.. I\'ve got this.

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