Martial Arts Master

Chapter 532 - Coach Yan’s “Critiques”

Chapter 532: Coach Yan’s “Critiques”

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

It was a lonely night. Lonely wind was blowing, lonely snow was falling and in a lonely car, Smith was sitting on the driver seat in the shadow. He was watching Lou and his girlfriend with their fingers interlocked as they walked into the house. Separated by the house, he couldn’t help but feel a little lost.

How long do I have to go through these days?

At this point, the sky was already dark. It was way past the couple’s regular sleeping hours. After saying goodnight to Aunt Du, Lou Cheng and Yan Zheke entered the her bedroom on the second floor.

For this time, Yan Zheke, who had done this several times, chose not to even tidy up the room beside her room.

After placing the luggage down, she felt Lou Cheng’s gaze which was getting warmer. The girl couldn’t take it and turned her head to the side. The warm light shone on her face as she stammered, “I have a lesson in the morning tomorrow... It’s late now too...”

“I know.,” laughed Lou Cheng. “I just want to hug you for a while and feel your existence.”

As he spoke, he had already taken a step forward and embraced her. Yan Zheke closed her eyes and sniffed his familiar scent. She felt completely relaxed. She rested her head into his chest, placed her hands around him and embraced her husband from the back.

The quiet embrace soon turned into a gentle and deep kiss. As their tongues tangled, there was him in her and her in him.

Relying on his extremely strong resilience, Lou Cheng controlled himself and gradually created some distance. However when he saw the bright eyes and glittering moist lips of his little fairy girl, he almost turned into a hungry wolf and pounced on her.

“It’s very late, I have to sleep now. Rest well and wake up early tomorrow!” He didn’t know if he was saying this for Yan Zheke or he was trying to convince himself.

The girl broke into laughter. Her eyes tilted to the side and landed on the bag of Lou Cheng. She extended her fair hand and asked,

“Where are my presents?”

“So you have learned to ask for them directly?” teased Lou Cheng as he carried his luggage over.

“Of course. We have been husband and wife for such a long time. What’s wrong with asking for a present?” Yan Zheke raised her chin and said proudly.

Lou Cheng unzipped his bag and continued,

“This is a toy keychain from Osaka. I see that it looks a little like a mystical beast... This is the rubber band from the gift shop in Xiushan. Didn’t you said that it’s hard for a girl to find a suitable rubber band and you were most fond of the ones from there...”

As for our anniversary present and Valentine’s day present, I definitely have to keep them a secret for now!

The gifts were not all expensive but showed the thought Lou Cheng had put in. Yan Zheke took a look at the black rubber band on her fair wrist and smiled with her deep dimples, “Yeah. I have damaged one and lost the other. Now I’m only left with this one on my wrist...”

“I am still thinking of asking you to bring some for me the next time, but I can’t bring myself to ask...”

As she spoke about this, she covered her mouth and laughed, “Cheng, you seem to have gotten used to having this mystical beast as your symbol?”

“I guess I have to resign it to my life...” Lou Cheng heaved a sigh, not knowing if he should laugh or cry about it.

After going through the presents for a while, she kept them carefully. She took her pyjamas and headed to the washroom with light-hearted steps. Lou Cheng sat beside the bed as he inhaled the lingering scent she left in the air.

After a short while, Yan Zheke returned in long sleeves pyjamas. She was wearing a pair of furry white socks too. When she walked to Lou Cheng, she lifted her legs slightly and kicked Lou Cheng once to rush him to go and shower.

When everything was settled, the lights of the master bedroom were switched off. Faint light from outside the room was still shining through the gaps of the curtains. The girl turned and rolled into the embrace of Lou Cheng. She took the initiative to hug him and extended her tongue. Initially, she was playfully tapping with the tip of her tongue. However, her tongue was then helplessly sucked.

The atmosphere and temperature started rising. Yan Zheke exerted slightly more strength to separate herself from Lou Cheng. With blurry eyes, she said while panting gently,


Just as she completed her words, she was hugged tighter by Lou Cheng and the kiss got deeper. They could feel the breath of each other. Their warmth overlapped and the scent was entering their nose.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Zheke finally inhaled some fresh air.

Her body shivered a little as she felt herself restraining the exaggerated passion she had. She whined with irregular breathing,

“Who was the one asking me to sleep earlier just now? To rest well and wake up earlier tomorrow!”

Lou Cheng blushed and teased,

“Formality, formality...”

Classmate Ke, do you know how hard is it for me to keep it in?

Yan Zheke broke into laughter. With a flirtatious voice, she chided,

“You are becoming more and more like a hooligan!”

After several seconds of silence, she controlled her shyness and said with an elevated pitch,

“I was initially thinking that since I have no lessons in the afternoon and it would be okay for me to sleep a little less since I can sleep in the afternoon... Since someone says that it was just formality, then let’s forget about it.”

After speaking, she turned her back to Lou Cheng.

Lou Cheng was a little lost but soon understood. He immediately leaned over and wrapped his hands around the waist of his girl, pulling her back closer to him as though he wanted to become one with her.

“I’m already asleep!” protested Yan Zheke as she shut her eyes tight.

Lou Cheng placed his head at the back of the neck of Yan Zheke. As he breathed in her slightly moist scent, he left one after another warm mark.

“I’m already asleep.” The girl struggled a little more. All she could feel was a warm palm getting into her clothing and slowly moving upwards.

“I’m already asleep...” Yan Zheke’s hands which were pretending to stop him were quickly passed by. The word “now” was a little shaky and resonated in the room.

After an unknown amount of time, soft moaning sounds could be heard. Sometimes they were hard, sometimes they were soft. Sometimes they were fast and sometimes they were slow. Sometimes they were fast like raindrops hitting banana leaves in heavy rain while sometimes they were gradual like a small raft moving through the lake. In the end, one of them seemed to be unable to take the load anymore.

The next morning, Lou Cheng woke up feeling fresh. He saw his girl holding onto his arm. She looked beautiful and at ease in her sleep and seemed to be having a sweet dream.

His heart immediately went soft. Lou Cheng carefully retracted his arm, lowered his head to kiss on Yan Zheke’s mouth and then said with a face full of smiles,

“Good morning.”

Good morning dear!

He didn’t wake up his girl. After taking his clothes, he went into the bathroom to change before stepping out of the house quietly and head to the lawn. He formed his stance openly and began his usual regular morning practice.

Solemn Silence, Moving Stance, move sets. Lou Cheng repeated one after another. As he practiced, he started moving in circles and got quicker and quicker. Soon, a gust of wind was created.

Because of this, the fallen weeds and other objects of nature were carried into the air and started circulating around him like a tornado.

In the end, Lou Cheng paused his step. The wind dissipated and the various miscellaneous items fell around him. The other parts of the lawn were cleaned.

He then brought over a broom and cleaning materials to tidy the mess he’d made. He had completed his morning practice and cleaning assignment at the same time! Lou Cheng felt extremely well and almost shouted “I’m the king of the world”. At the window of the second floor, Yan Zheke placed both of her elbows on the study desk, rested her chin on both of her hands and watched on quietly. She smiled faintly, and her eyes were gentle.

After completing his tasks, Lou Cheng returned to the study room. However, he was faced with Coach Yan’s critiques.

“Who said he was only going to do it once!”


“Who said he’s going to let me have a good rest!?”


“Who said he’s going to wake me up for morning practice!?”


“You are a liar!”

“The Sky Shaking Roar” who was still feeling a little cocky previously could only admit to his mistakes honestly. Yan Zheke held back her urge to laugh, took a look at him and asked after she couldn’t control her curiosity,

“Cheng, why are you so energetic? You seem different from the past!”

Even though he was an inhuman now, with so little sleep, he should at least be feeling a little mental fatigue!

Lou Cheng hesitated for a while being replying,

“It’s probably because I have practiced “Wholeness” Formula...”

“Wholeness” Formula... So it still has such effects... Yan Zheke blinked her eyes in disbelief. Suddenly she recalled that someone had happily promised to teach her the “Wholeness” Formula, saying that this would make learning easier...

Her face and ears instantly blushed. Waving her hands regretfully, she said,

“You are a stinky hooligan!”

Just like what I had foreseen. Lou Cheng burst into laughter despite being scolded. As a result, Yan Zheke rolled her eyes at him.

After having breakfast and bidding farewell to Aunt Du, Yan Zheke drove her new bodyguard and headed towards the school.

“If you are free this weekend, why don’t you teach me how to drive?” Lou Cheng suggested enthusiastically.

“Alright! I can teach you anything.” Yan Zheke praised herself at the same time. However the more she thought about it, the more inappropriate she found this line to be. She subconsciously turned her head and stared at her husband, making Lou Cheng feel totally clueless.

Is there a problem?

After parking the car, they walked into the school. Lou Cheng pulled Yan Zheke along and walked towards the teaching block under the guidance of Yan Zheke.

While on their way there, they encountered Huang Xiwen. This beautiful but slightly plump girl lowered her head quickly and slowed down her pace to keep a distance.

“She rarely participates in parties now.” Yan Zheke said with a low voice.

“Ah?” Lou Cheng replied with a clueless face.

“The incident of Maszewski... She had quite a good relationship with Jennifer and often attended her parties. Since that incident, she’s probably afraid. She rarely attends normal gathering either... However, her grades did go back up...” Yan Zheke looked approvingly at him.

Lou Cheng instantly felt joy after helping someone.

Yeah. Not only this help liberate people before they ended up going down the wrong path, but I also was able to eliminate a possible threat to Ke...

As they talked about this incident, the couple reached the vicinity of the classroom. Yan Zheke waved her hands and entered the building while Lou Cheng behaved like a real bodyguard as he looked around and surveyed the surroundings. He picked a position where he could make the most appropriate actions and stood at the corner of it.

There was another man wearing sunglasses and a suit there. One look at him and it was easy to see that he was a security personnel. He was probably hired by some wealthy family.

After taking a glance at the unprofessional-looking Lou Cheng, the guy in sunglasses kept his distance from him, keeping a clear divide between them.

Lou Cheng looked at the area carefreely. Keeping his mind calm, he started thinking of all those complicated things. He started from what he had understood of “Ice Sect’s” physical invulnerability moves and completed further reasoning of it. He was serious at times while lazing off during others.

With his strength, it wouldn’t be a problem for him to stand for three-four hours. Therefore he didn’t find it to be unbearable. However through this experience, he clearly felt how hard it was to be a martial artist in the security field.

It’s indeed not a simple thing!

“Are you bored?” During the break of her class, Yan Zheke sent a message over and asked caringly.

“I’m not bored. I have thought through how I get to spend this lifetime with you and I’m about to start thinking about our encounters in next lifetime.,” replied Lou Cheng carefreely.

Yan Zheke peeked at her phone and quickly bit her lips with her teeth as she was afraid of laughing out loud.

He’s getting better and better at talking!

During the breaks in the lesson, she would always look for Lou Cheng to chat or pulled him around the vicinity. When the morning had ended, she eagerly held her textbook and notes before walking to their meetup point with light-hearted steps.

Several male students were surprised that the most boring and reserved girl in the class was showing such behavior.

“George, go take a look...” The blonde hair teenager with freckles used his chin to point at the back view of Yan Zheke as he said to the golden hair guy who had his sleeves rolled up.

“Ok!” George turned off his phone whereby he was still reminiscing the video of the four-nation competition. He stood up rather curiously and walked out of the classroom quickly with his mates. They saw the nerdy looking Yan Zheke, who was wearing a pair of black framed glasses, being pulled by an Asian teenager. Her facial expression was gentle and warm.

Black hair and black eyes. Clear facial features and a smile...

George and the blonde hair teenager looked at each other and could both see the surprise and shock in the other party’s eyes. They opened their mouth and said in unison,


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