Mystical Journey

Chapter 1286 - Contract 2

Chapter 1286: Contract 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I’ll consider it.” Gus nodded faintly. There was a brief whooshing noise before he actually disappeared.

The body that contained enormous strength forces earlier was actually just a projection!

Garen’s heart trembled slightly. He had already understood why these two individuals were talking about him.

A hint of dissatisfaction stirred in his heart immediately. He was not fully against the idea of being able to sign an Eternal Contract with a peak powerhouse. However, aside from merely rejecting it, he would become the peak existence sooner or later. Therefore, he was completely unconcerned with how this Eternal Contract could help upgrade him.

Moreover, this contract would require him to reduce his lifespan by half and give it to another person for no apparent reason!

Unhappiness arose in his heart faintly because Third Elder was deciding on his behalf.

“Garen, come here.” When Third Elder’s voice drifted over, Garen raised his head and saw that the Elder was looking at him attentively with a gentle gaze.

He lifted his legs and walked toward the front of the Elder slowly before standing on the spot where the other man was standing earlier.

“I have been summoned by the Elder. What are my instructions?” He asked in a slightly respectful tone.

Third Elder sized Garen up from head to toe. It seemed as though his powerful gaze could see through Garen.

“I’m sure that you must’ve overheard our conversation earlier?”

Garen hesitated for a moment before nodding his head soon after that.

“Yes, is it about the Eternal Contract?”

“It’s fine if you understand.” Third Elder turned around before taking a black, leather-covered book out of the enormous bookshelf behind him. These books were the size of bathtubs when they were opened by humans, but they were merely little books to the dragon race.

The whooshing noises of turning pages could be heard when he flipped the book open before the book skipped to a certain page in the middle automatically.

“King Gus is the strongest existence in the Deladia Empire. He’s also King Thunderclap who has grasped the Thunderclap ability. He’ll become a demigod if he advances to the next step. He’s wildly ambitious and hopes to find a member of the dragon race who will sign an Eternal Contract with him to extend his lifespan to its maximum limit. Since his selection choices span across all the dragon races, we’ve recommended you from our clan.”

Garen was silent.

“You must understand that King Thunderclap is truly the most supreme being. There are people who have surmised that his powers have already reached the peak of this physical world as he had achieved the Level Fifteen grade in theory. Once he has chosen you, your social status and powers will receive explosive increments,” said Third Elder in a tempting manner.

“Level Fifteen?” Garen was slightly shocked. “Didn’t you say that Level Nine was the highest peak?”

“Level Nine is the peak of the Professionals and that’s the end of the road for them. Only those who have finished walking on the path that is considered their own can continue moving forward. In theory, one only needs to break through Level Fifteen and achieve Level Sixteen before becoming a demigod. King Gus has almost reached the final step. However, his lifespan is nearly insufficient...” said Third Elder while smiling.

“Then what is the difference between Level Nine Professionals and the beings that have surpassed Level Nine?” Garen did not reply or state whether he agreed or not, instead another question was asked.

“Difference?” Third Elder pondered before answering properly, “There’s no great difference. The dividing line between Level Nine focuses on Spellcrafting. In reality, the difference between the corresponding levels spans across an extremely vast divide. Moreover, Level Nine Professionals have already reached the peak of all creatures. If their levels are upgraded again after that, their greatest power will be their Level Nine Spellcrafting grade. However, there are great differences between their usage limits, endurance, quantity, types, and strengthening abilities among other things.”

He flipped to another page of the book before he continued speaking.

“Take, for instance, a Level Nine individual who still needs to chant and can only use Level Nine Spellcrafting. Compare this with another person who has five Level Nine Spell Slots daily and can also exist promptly. Who do you think is stronger?”

“Understood...” Garen had roughly understood the difference. He continued staying silent.

“So what are your aspirations regarding the Eternal Contract?” asked Third Elder gently.

Garen furrowed his eyebrows. He was careful not to expose his emotions when he replied.

“If King Thunderclap is willing, I’m naturally indifferent. Good opportunities like these are hard to come by.” His opinion did not actually count because this plan was clearly something that Third Elder had seized determinedly. If he was not grateful for this, it would mean that he had failed to appreciate his kindness. When he was faced with a terrifying being that was comparable to a Level Ten individual, Garen did not even have the confidence that he could even succeed in escaping from his soul.

This was easily not just a grade.

After Level Six, there would be an enormous division every time one passed a level. It was equivalent to the differences between Spellcrafting powers.

“That’s good.” Third Elder smiled. The traces of the faintly menacing atmosphere lightened as well. “Study properly. I’ll inform you once we have more information about this matter.”

“Thank you very much, Elder.” Garen lowered his head. Third Elder was an Elder Dragon who had lived for at least thousands of years or even ten thousand years. He had a vast amount of experience and would certainly not be easily tricked by Garen. Therefore, he could not expose even the slightest bit of unwillingness.

“Good. You may return first, I’ll summon you if any matters arise. Also, please remember to prepare yourself. The battle on the border had started immediately, and you will be summoned soon. They’ve been preparing themselves all this time for this battle throughout the last ten years.”


Garen put his presents down and turned to leave politely. Only then did he go down before proceeding to walk out of the cave.

“That’s right. Regarding the matter with Boris and the other dragon, if you were really displeased, I’ll tell Wylow to be mindful of himself,” said the Elder simply.

“Thank you very much, Elder!” Garen turned around and bowed again. He had received a satisfactory answer in the end.

Clearly, Third Elder was saying these things to him directly because he was giving Garen face by using his status and position to pay attention to such insignificant matters. He was making sure that Garen would be grateful.

Otherwise, he would never have minded these trivialities because of his honor as the Elder.

After retreating from the Elder’s cave, Garen passed through the corridor that was being protected by the Dragon Guards and discovered that these guards were Level Seven beings at least. As Adult White Dragons were usually Level Six beings, the Level Seven White Dragons here were clearly meticulously strengthened through cultivation.

After leaving the cave, he flapped his wings and flew from the entrance of the cave before charging downward along the edges of the snowy peak outside.

The Dragon Whelp Training Institute that he had previously attended was located at the middle level of this snowy peak. He heard a series of cold sneers just as he flew past this area.

“Beat him! Beat him up! I’ll take care of everything as long as you don’t beat him to death!” It was Wylow’s voice.

Garen looked over in the direction of the voice. He instantly saw that a few Dragon Whelps had currently surrounded another Dragon Whelp. They were punching and kicking him in the canyon where the Dragon Whelp combat training class was located. They would occasionally lash at him with their tails by using numerous merciless whipping-motions.

Wylow stood outside the circle and yelled insults.

Garen furrowed his eyebrows slightly and looked carefully at the Dragon Whelp that was being bullied before realizing that it was actually Boris.

The banging noises that came from the kicking and punching echoed over continuously, while the Dragon Whelps sneered and hit Boris violently.

Garen charged downwards immediately.


He landed behind the group of Dragon Whelps firmly. He fell on the ground heavily, causing the snow to fly and scatter everywhere when it quaked.

His movements gained the attention of Wylow and the other Dragon Whelps instantly.

“It’s Garen, huh?” he said while forcing a smile. He felt slightly apprehensive when he saw that Garen was clearly taller and more muscular than him. However, his confidence was immediately restored when he quickly remembered his new status as a White Dragon who had already signed an Eternal Contract with a prince.

“What’s wrong? You thought of coming back to see everyone in the Dragon Whelp class suddenly?” he said while trying to stall.

“What are you doing?” said Garen coldly, “have you forgotten the things that I said previously?” After being repressed over at Third Elder’s place earlier, Wylow was a complete eyesore to him now.

“But we’re not doing anything? Haha, we’re just teaching Boris some combat techniques.” Wylow squinted his eyes and looked at Garen sideways. “Garen, there’s nothing here that concerns you. I’ve given you Leona, already so don’t be ungrateful.”

“Ungrateful?” sneered Garen. “For the Elder’s sake, I’ll give you three seconds to leave.”

Wylow was dumbfounded and felt as if he had misheard him. Did Garen actually dare to speak to him like this?

“Did you just... say that? Three seconds?”


“Garen, do you really think that I’m afraid of you?”

Wylow’s expression darkened immediately. Numerous muscular Dragon Whelps moved towards Garen and surrounded him after being signaled by Wylow. The Dragon Guards who were patrolling the surrounding area flew over here when they noticed that something was amiss. They were clearly focused on guarding Wylow’s safety at all times. It looked like Third Elder was extremely favorable towards Wylow indeed.


However, none of this was enough to scare Garen. As Garen was someone who would probably sign a contract with King Thunderclap, even Third Elder would have to consider Garen’s attitude towards himself in the event that the contract was successful in the future. When that time came, he would probably become a key existence that could influence King Thunderclap’s attitude.

Wylow was unaware of this, but he was already certain that since he had signed an Eternal Contract with a prince from the Deladia Empire, Garen would surely not be brave enough to do anything to him!

Moreover, since there were numerous protectors in his surroundings, what was the worse that Garen could do besides hitting him?

“Garen, mind your own business!” Boris roared stubbornly despite being assaulted. “Who told you to worry about me?! Go away! Go!” One of his eyes was almost swollen to the point where he could not open it. There was a faint hint of worry in his gaze when he looked at Garen.

Bang bang!

Both of the patrolling Adult White Dragons landed behind Garen and encircled him.

“Garen, don’t act rashly. After all, Wylow is Third Elder’s closest grandson,” said a White Dragon softly.

Garen turned around and glanced at the two White Dragons. Next, he looked at Boris whose entire body was covered in wounds, almost crippled from the beatings. A hint of impatience flashed in his eyes.

“I’m warning you not to concern yourself with the matters here.”

His words that were tinged with menace instantly angered the two Adult White Dragons faintly. They had never expected that this prodigious White Dragon with a reputation that had spread far and wide would actually be so wild!

Despite being a prodigy, he was merely a Dragon Whelp. Nonetheless, he was apparently daring enough to threaten Adult White Dragons. This simply meant that he was unaware of the complexity of things!

The commotion here had attracted the attention of many other Dragon Whelps who were attending classes inside. A few Dragon Whelps ran out in succession, while one instructor who was among them walked out as well. It was actually a teacher who had taught Garen previously. He was about to stop this incident when he saw it but it was too late now.

“Garen, I gave you face last time,” said Wylow coldly. “I’ve heard that you have three more brothers and sisters, right? It looks like I have to take good care of them...”

“Three.” Garen spat out the final word.

The entire place turned silent at once.

The entire bodies of the two White Dragons stiffened while they glared closely at Garen. Two shrouds of Level Six Draconic Auras pressed down on Garen’s body instantly.

Garen circled his surroundings and scanned them.


He exploded a large pile of snow suddenly before the length of his entire dragon body increased by several meters dramatically. The muscles throughout his whole body condensed frantically like surging water. Level Six Draconic Auras could not suppress him at all! Garen’s entire physique had instantly expanded by one whole degree.

Those two Adult White Dragons pounced at him fiercely and attempted to press Garen down. However, Garen pushed them away violently towards his left and right sides respectively the moment they touched him.

Bang! Bang! Both of the Adult White Dragons were instantly sent flying by him with just two movements as though they were just pieces of trash before crashing against the frozen wall on the side painfully.


Garen used one claw to grab Wylow who was dazed with fear. He grabbed at his neck and suspended him in mid-air.

He was almost as enormous as a full Adult White Dragon after his entire body had expanded, while the scales that covered his body were twinkling with a cold pale sheen.


A scorching hot ray was shot out from the hands of one of the Dragon Guards on the side. It was clear that another Dragon Guard who had rushed over was taking action now.

“Put him down! Garen!”

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