Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 182 - The Training Camp Is Where?

Jason accepted the envelope from James who then turned around and left. Kyle closed the door for him and then turned around to Jason with an excited expression on his face.

His headful of curls bounced up and down as he held the envelope in front of him as he started jumping excitedly.

"We just got invites to a Nike training camp!!!" He then ran up to Jason and picked him up. Jason almost hit hit head on the ceiling of the apartment.

"Woah! Calm down Kyle! You\'re gonna send me up a floor!" Kyle calmed down after hearing Jason scream.

Kyle put Jason back down on the floor as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment "Hehe sorry Jaya. I guess I got a little carried away.

But I really am hyped about this. I mean this kind of thing is normal for you. But I would have never imagined that I would get a invite form Nike!"

Jason slapped Kyle on the back "You can\'t be saying weak shit like that Kyle. You are one of THEE best shot blockers in the state and one of THEE best all around defenders in the nation.

I don\'t think there are that many people that can protect the paint and guard out on the perimeter as well as you.

You need to have more confidence in yourself. You are a beast. You are amazing. And you are my right hand man.

Not just anyone can have that position you know. You know how awesome I am so I wouldn\'t let just anybody take up that role."

Kyle\'s eyes started to shine with excitement once again after he heard Jason say that "You\'re right Jaya! I am awesome!

I am your right hand man! The second in command! I-" Kyle then went on a tangent as he continued to bring up anime things that Jason didn\'t understand.

Jason felt gross with himself after saying that comment about him being awesome. Something about it just didn\'t feel right with him.

But he knew that although Kyle didn\'t have that much confidence and trust in himself that he had the utmost confidence and trust in Jason.

So Jason was hoping that by acting like somewhat of a crutch or a bridge that he could connect the confidence that Kyle had in him to some of his own self confidence.

Jason looked at the envelope in his hands "But I guess this invite came at just the right time. Today was so boring.

I couldn\'t imagine what summer break would have been like if we just did nothing." Kyle nodded his head excitedly "Where do you think the training camp is going to be Jaya?"

Jason shrugged his shoulders "Beats me. Why don\'t we read through whatever James gave us and find out?"

Kyle and Jason both opened their envelopes as they began to read their way through the material that they received.

The two of them must have had similar reading speeds because they turned and looked at each other at the exact same moment.

Jason and Kyle were both looking at each other when all of a sudden they started to scream at the same time "WE\'RE GOING TO NEW YORK CITY!!!"

After spending a few minutes going crazy and celebrating Jason and Kyle both managed to calm down.

Jason looked at Kyle "I can\'t believe that we\'re going to New York bro!" Normally Jason wouldn\'t be acting like this.

In his past life he had done his fair share of traveling during his time as a college basketball player.

But ever since he had been brought back twenty years into the past Jason had been stuck within the confines of Southern California. 

Not that there was anything wrong with California. Jason loved his sunny hometown state. But now that the prospect of traveling and seeing other places is in front of him Jason couldn\'t help but get a little more excited than usual.

Kyle asked "But the training camp is for two weeks. And it\'s in New York. It says here that Nike is providing accommodations but only for the players.

That means that we can\'t bring any of our parents along. Will they really be okay with us going to New York by ourselves for two weeks?"

Jason chuckled "You don\'t need to worry about my side. My parents are really chill and laid back. I already went to a training camp once with their permission.

And I know that this time it\'s a little further away than Moreno Valley. But I\'m sure that they\'ll have no problem with it.

How about you? Is Aunty V going to let you go to New York?" Kyle shrugged his shoulders "I honestly don\'t know.

She\'s normally pretty cool but she is kind of a protective parent. But I think that if I tell her that you\'ll be going too then she should be okay with it."

Jason smiled as he stuck his fist out "Cool. Then it\'s settled. Tonight we\'ll talk to our parents and convince them to let us go to this Nike training camp."

Kyle smiled as he pounded Jason\'s fist back with his own "Let\'s do it."

- - -

Later that day. The sun had set as both of Jason\'s parents had returned home from their busy days at work.

Jason was helping out as he set up the table for dinner. He put the plates down, grabbed a set of chopsticks for both him and his parents, and he began to place all of the dishes down on to the table.

As his parents began to take their seats at the table Jason asked "What do you guys want to drink?"

His mom answered "Could you grab me one of the banana milks from the fridge please?" Jason\'s dad replied "I\'ll have some of the barley tea that\'s in the fridge."

Jason went to the fridge and grabbed the pitcher full of barely tea and a can of the banana milk.

He gave the can of banana milk to his mom and poured some of the barley tea into his dad\'s cup.

Jason\'s mom looked at him with a smile on her face "My baby boy is growing up so well. Not only is he getting taller but he hasn\'t lost any of the sweetness that he had as a baby."

Jason\'s dad laughed after hearing his wife say that "You\'re right Naomi. I feel like our boy\'s growing in terms of heart and body hahaha. How tall are you know Jason?"

Jason swallowed the mouthful of rice that he had before answering "Last time I checked I was 5\'7. I think that was a week ago?"

Jason\'s mom just stood up and left her seat that was right next to her husband. She walked over to Jason and hugged him from behind.

"My baby is growing up too quick! He\'s almost the same height as me. Next thing you know he\'s going to be moving out and starting a family of his own!"

Jason laughed as he hugged his mom back with one of his arms as he used the other one to continue eating.

"You are being so overdramatic mom. I\'m still an inch shorter than you. And there\'s no way I would be moving out to start my own family so soon.

I would need to find a girlfriend first before I can even think about having any kids." Jason\'s dad laughed as he waved at his wife.

"You heard him Naomi. How\'s he going to have kids when he hasn\'t even started dating. Now sit back down and eat before the food gets cold."

She gave Jason one last hug before making her way back to her seat. The three of them ate happily as they talked about their days.

After a while Jason decided to finally bring up the big topic at hand "So I was hanging out with Kyle in his room today.

And while we were just chilling the doorbell rang. Kyle went out to see who it was and it turned out to be a Nike rep that wanted to invite him to their summer training camp for middle school players."

Both of his parents were surprised and happy for Kyle. Jason\'s mom clapped her hands together "Good for him. He definitely deserved it."

Jason\'s dad nodded his head in agreement "Good to see that something nice happened to Kyle. I felt so bad for him after he hurt his ankle."

Jason continued "But he wasn\'t the only one that got an invite. The Nike rep also gave me a envelope with an invite to their training camp."

Both of his parents jumped out of their seats and hugged Jason. Jason\'s dad ruffled his hair "Haha I knew it. You and Kyle are really something you know that?"

Jason\'s mom added "Of course they\'re something special. How many middle schoolers in Riverside do you think are getting training camp invites from Nike?

I am so happy for you Jaya! I know that you worked so hard. You\'re dedication and drive are finally being recognized."

They all sat back down as Jason told them all of the information that he had found out from reading through all of the papers that had come in the envelope.

Jason\'s parents were all smiles as they discussed the training camp. They had no problem with the fact that the training camp would be two weeks long.

Although Jason\'s mom was a little worried about her son her husband reassured her that there wasn\'t anything to worry about.

Jason swallowed the food that was in his mouth "Nike is going to be paying for everything. The hotel rooms, the food, and the transportation.

It says in the paper that as soon as I give them my confirmation they\'ll buy my ticket and email me the details."

Jason\'s mom was clapping her hands "You sound so excited Jaya. Don\'t forget to take a lot of pictures. Mom wants to see you having fun."

Jason laughed "It\'s a training camp mom. I\'m not going there for vacation. Trust me I wish I could go sight seeing around New York but-"

Jason couldn\'t finish his sentence as he noticed a drastic change in the facial expression of both of his parents.

Jason\'s dad seemed a little nervous and apprehensive while his mom seemed to be boiling over with anger.

She slammed her hand on the table "Absolutely not! You are not going to New York!"

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