Nidome no Yuusha

Side Story: Mad for the Far Away Hero 2

?Side Story: Mad for the Far Away Hero 2

“Alesia-sama, how do you fare?” Said the man who entered my room. He had a face riddled with battle scars and looked to be in his late twenties. His name is Guidott, said to be the strongest knight of the kingdom, and currently captain of our knight’s order.

He had both an appearance and personality that revealed a plethora of experience on the battlefield, and he had a tone of voice that has become coarse and low over the years. The presence of such a man was in complete contrast with the lavish room of one such as I, a princess.

Well, that matters not in the least, not at present.

“Yes, Guidott, I feel fine. The pain has fully gone, and fortunately, there had been no curse set on me when the necklace was removed.”

A week prior, the researchers that had been called over from Elmia had finally unraveled the mystery behind my prized necklace. They had discovered that the reason that prized ornament was causing me such suffering and misfortune was not due to any curse but something different.

That royal treasure originally had 4 enchantments: Automatic HP Recovery, Minor Increased Healing, Perfect Memory and Minor Regeneration. But the first 3 of those enchantments had been exchanged with Inferior Reverse Healing, Hinder Removal and Disrupt Perception.

Reverse Healing is a form of recovery magic that returns bodily wounds to their original state to heal them.

Ordinarily, healing spells accelerate the healing process to recover HP and stop bleeding. They don’t completely heal the body. That is to say, while they can handle minor flesh wounds, deeper injuries, when healed, tend to leave lasting scars. Recovering from amputation is thus impossible in that regard. If an arm or leg gets lopped off, recovery magic won’t grow them back, and neither can it reverse the loss of blood. And if a wound is left bleeding, one’s HP will drop until death.

Reverse Healing, on the other hand, takes a different approach. It’s a magic that turns back the clock on wounds, and depending on how long the user’s mana lasts, it can even be used to regrow limbs. For this reason, wounds healed in reverse leave not a single scar, and the body is returned to a state before the wounds were even received. But the large setback of this magic comes in the form of pain. While serving its purpose of returning the body to its rightful condition, the nature of the magic requires the user to endure the pain of having to relive their injuries.

Even if a wound is mostly healed through conventional means, this magic will rip and tear the flesh and return that past wound to its most hideous state before returning skin to skin. But the inevitable pain would end instantaneously if the effects of this magic were dealt fast enough. Unfortunately for me, the necklace had Inferior Reverse Healing. The rate of recovery was abysmally slow, having me endure harsh pangs of pain from my back, night after night.

Disrupt Perception, another of the changed enchantments, almost entirely prevented me from performing my social duties as a princess. I was made unable to utter the names of people I should and do know. As a result, I had to stay cooped up in the castle so that knowledge of this weakness wouldn’t spread. Simply removing the necklace would have nullified those atrocious enchantments, but alas, Hinder Removal absolutely barred me from taking it off by physical means.

In the end, it couldn’t be removed, and they had to channel an enormous volume of mana into the ornament to destroy it, enchantments and all. Which was most regrettable, as that necklace was a historical treasure passed down through generations of royalty. Disregarding its monetary value, it was also an item that proved one’s right to the throne.

On that topic… “Tell me, Guidott. Have they finished repairing my necklace?”

“We’re having the most prominent artisans in the capital work on it as we speak. I trust they will be done in a matter of days. The enchantments however…”

“Yes, I know. Those were ancient spells from the time of our nation’s founders. I do not expect them to work miracles.”

I knew that it wasn’t possible, I really did. But as I sat there, hearing the report, my hands still balled tighter atop my knees. That necklace was a priceless treasure that proved my right of succession, yes, but it was so, so much more. It reminded me of my dearly departed elder sister. It had been her’s once.

Now, that necklace had been destroyed due to being flooded with mana. And though I’ve ordered it be restored exactly to its previous appearance, the fact would remain that it had been broken, after generations of safekeeping.

“… No, I’m sure they’re trying their hardest. Please tell them to at least make the appearance indistinguishable from the original.” I spoke calmly, not letting my emotions surface in my voice. I felt that I would order their immediate execution if I were to become too agitated.

I’ve known Guidott for a long time. He has been a familiar face ever since my childhood. But even to him, I cannot show any weakness. Because I am Alesia Aurelia, princess of the kingdom of Aurelia and rightful heir to its throne.

Furthermore, Guidott was originally my elder sister’s knight. He is no doubt equally as angry as myself from the fact that his once mistress’ treasured necklace had been ruined.

“By your will, princess.” Guidott said with a crisp salute.

“Now then, I don’t suppose you came here just to check up on my health? State your business.”

We may’ve been close acquaintances, but that is no excuse to enter the room of a princess. He was a busy man too. Someone like him visiting a lady of my position, alone and without cause would only serve to spark rumor. Guidott was most definitely not that oblivious, of that I am sure.

“Yes, I’ve come to report my findings. It concerns the boy with black hair and eyes. My apologies your highness, but he has indeed fled the capital. I’ve run a fine comb search with both above and underground means, but we still don’t know his whereabouts.”

“Right. But surely that is not all?”

“It isn’t. I also have witness reports stating they’ve seen a boy of his caricature. He seemed to have changed clothes, but we have a trail of him within town. He had made frequent trips to the slum and black market areas and we know the inn he stayed at. We lost all trace of his activities a few days after.”

“I take it that there are no records of him leaving the castle town either?”

“Yes, I suspect that he fled through some means other than the town gates. During the summoning, the soldiers accompanying you may’ve been incompetents but they didn’t lack in Level. Which is to say, the boy has strength beyond what his appearance suggests.”

“… That incident with the outer wall collapsing, the monster outbreak. What were they called, wall eaters? You don’t suppose he used that chaos to make his getaway?”

“The knights who rushed to the scene did not report anyone matching his appearance. But even we only recently learned that that section of the wall had been patched up with inferior materials. So considering how soon the incident happened…”

“What, so you’re saying it’s possible that monster from another world deliberately destroyed the wall? That he picked the spot our eyes were not focused on and made his escape from there?”

One of the most heinous crimes one could commit is destruction of a town’s fortifications, its defensive walls. And that monster had done that to our royal capital. It would be far too coincidental that he just happened to be at the place where the wall collapsed and used the situation to flee. It’s much more likely that he himself was the perpetrator.

(Still… no, his very existence has been an abnormality from the start. He never deserved the title or power granted to the Hero. He is a failed summon, a monster in human skin.)

I shook away those errant thoughts and brought the conversation back to Guidott.

“Haah, it’s frankly ridiculous. The legends say that the Hero is supposed to possess a set of initial skills that grant him limitless potential, but even then, he shouldn’t have been strong from the start…”

“One can’t say very much about the veracity of legends. I for one firmly believe only what I’ve seen with my own eyes.”

“... that is a good point.”

(I will not be able to receive the Great Spirit’s words for a while longer. If only I possessed as much spiritual aptitude as my elder sister. Then surely I would be able to receive more frequent oracles.)

I thought back to my sister again. It’s no exaggeration to say that she was loved by the Gods. She was a genius in every sense of the word.

“... There are still too many unknowns in this matter. Continue the investigation and keep me informed.” I ordered Guidott. “And be sure to keep it under wraps. I don’t need anyone sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong.”

“As you will, your highness.” the man saluted. “Also, the emissary from the theocracy has arrived. Please make your preparations to receive them.”

Oh right, she should’ve arrived by now.

“The Saintess of Lunaria Theocracy. I would’ve never imagined that she’d come here personally…”

The Lunaria Theocracy is, as the name suggests, a nation ruled under religion. Their God, Lunaris, has 3 main precepts: Judgement for all evil, Paradise for the children of the earth, and Salvation for the weak and feeble. With these 3 main ideas, and many smaller ones, this religion is currently the most widespread in the whole continent.

There are of course a variety of other, smaller faiths, but Lunaris is the only one that has propagated to the national level. And as it is a country, naturally, politics are involved. Wholesome it may be, but even religion cannot cleanse the dirty quagmire of human government.

“I’ve heard the reports on how she allegedly appeased all the factions, but frankly, it’s not something I can readily believe. She may be able to perform her duties as Saintess perfectly, but her as a politician? I have my doubts.”

The Saintess of the Lunaria Theocracy, Materia Laurelia, is said to be the living symbol of that nation. Her virtuous and pure image certainly made her popular with the masses, but naturally, she too would have enemies in the grander power struggles. The Pope, topmost man in the theocracy’s chain of command, had fallen ill earlier this year, and the Saintess, Materia could not possibly choose to leave her country while her position remained unstable.

“However, they did inform us that the Saintess herself would be coming. They regretfully left out the subject matter, but as a person of her level of influence has officially requested an audience, it is in our best interest to oblige.”

“True. Well, I can decide what she wants and how to deal with her when I’ve seen her for myself. If you find any time, collect information on the Saintess as well.”

“As you will, Alecia-sama. It is about time now, please be ready to meet the emissary in the audience room.”

“I am meeting the theocracy’s Saintess, Materia-sama after all. I must look my best. As you go, call in my dressing maid.”

“Very well, your highness. I shall be off now.” Guidott made one last salute before exiting my chambers.

Soon after, there was a knock on my door, and the voice of an older woman called from the other side, Milady, may I enter?

“You may.” I assented, and the maid who came inside helped me get dressed. All the while, I kept pondering about what could possibly compel the Saintess herself to come to our country.

“A pleasure to meet you, King Eudras Aurelia, and the Queen and Princess.” Spoke a young lady that exuded the very essence of purity with long platinum silver hair braided into a single, defined plait that hung softly over her right shoulder.

Aurelia Kingdom. Currently, at the grand audience hall.

Her beauty was such that I found it difficult to describe with mere words. Her religious vestments which would’ve ordinarily made her look modest only accentuated the lines of her body. Her breasts, were very large.

They bulged out from under her robes as if contesting any force that would dare push them down.

Yet, the soft look in her eyes and her delicate facial features, all in all, prevented one from garnering any lewd thoughts. Instead, she gave off the feeling of a graceful mother watching over her children.

The knights standing guard around the room had had their eyes stolen by her figure, yet none of them held any carnal desires towards the ephemeral lady. She was the very definition of a flower above one’s reach. The lady before us possessed the magnanimity of a saint as well as a soothing, maternal warmth.

“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Materia Laurelia. I have been blessed to have received the title of Saintess in my country, the Lunaria Theocracy.” She put her hands together in a gesture of prayer. “May the blessings and salvation of Lunaris be upon you.”

She didn’t seem to be using any magic but she seemed to have an aura of holy light around her. I’ve heard that she is only 2 years older than me, but she had a distinct air of maturity that I had yet to arrive at.

“Mm, Lady Materia,” the prime minister who was standing beside the king took a step forward to address the Saintess, “Your letter said that you wished to deepen the friendship between our countries, but what specifically might you have in mind? We’ve renewed our trade agreements just last year, have you found an issue pertaining to the terms?”

It seems like Father and the prime minister believe that she’s come here to negotiate the details of last year’s grain trade agreement with Lunaria.

“No,” the Saintess slowly shook her head, “I am not here for such small matters.”

The prime minister was shocked to find that his prediction of the other nation’s motive were not only wrong, but even downplayed as insignificant by the other party.

I felt the same, but I was above showing it on my face. Having been taught about kingdom related matters including the importance of unions and agreements with our neighbours, the Saintess’ comment about it being a small matter quickly lowered my expectations and opinion of the lady.

But as I was about to mark her down as incompetent, she dropped an announcement that left all of us speechless:

“I am here in this country not as a Representative of Lunaria, but as the Saintess of Lunaria.”

The royal family, the knights on guard, the prime minister, and even the maids who had knowledge of diplomacy were all at a loss for words. Those in the know felt dread at how much this woman might know, while others silently chewed on what this declaration might mean.

“What do you mean to say?” it was not the prime minister but my father who directly asked the Saintess. He had gone pale and had broken out in a cold sweat.

“Oh my, will it be fine to reveal it here?” The Saintess spoke with a knowing smile.

Now, everyone who knew the secret had come to a single conclusion.

―――― …… The Saintess knows that the Hero has been summoned.

The Saintess of the Lunaria Church which adheres to the doctrine of vanquishing all evil had come to our kingdom not for a political reason, but a religious one. On the surface at least. Now, the only religious reasons a Saintess would personally need to travel for would be for requesting funds for missionary work or, more importantly, for the Hero Summoning Ritual.

And if she had come to request the former, would she have said “will it be fine to reveal it here?” No, she wouldn’t, as requesting aid requires no need for secrecy. What she was coyly implying she shouldn’t reveal was the fact that the Hero summoning was done without their knowledge or participation.

The Hero summoning was done to counteract the encroachment of the demonkin, but for the Lunaria Church, the Hero is an existence just as important as the Saintess. They’re very likely to accuse us with trying to monopolize the Hero if they learn of our secret endeavour.

But then, we were trying to monopolize the Hero. We had planned to train and manipulate the initially weak Hero into our pawn. Later, we could easily make the excuse that we could not let the demonkin know of the Hero when he was at his weakest, so this was a measure we had to take. At that stage, they would be hard pressed to point fingers.

But our situation, as it stands, is very bad. The Hero we summoned is a madman and sees the kingdom as his bitter enemy. After how he brutalized myself and so many knights, we would be insane to think that he is anything but hostile.

If the events that transpired were to become public knowledge, the royal family would receive a serious blow. One that could leave us defenseless if our neighbouring nations decide to sanction against us.

“... All here other than the prime minister and knight captain are to leave us.” Father declared.

“S-sire?” “But we can’t…” Some tried to protest.

“Now. That is an order.”

Those not in the know were deeply flustered by Father’s sudden decision, but followed their king’s order and left the hall.

“You should leave as well.” the Saintess said to her attendant maid.

“B-but Materia-sama, I-”

“You need not worry, I will be fine.”

“... Yes, Milady. I shall abide by your will.” The attendant bowed and also left.

As the last of the unrelated parties were removed, the door to the audience hall was closed to maintain privacy. Now, the only ones remaining were Father, Mother, myself, Baras the prime minister, Guidott the knight captain, and the Saintess.

Father and the prime minister had become sparse of words, not knowing to what extent this woman knows. Does she only know that the Hero had been summoned or does she also know about the heinous acts he commited after being summoned?

“Let us begin then, shall we?” The Saintess broke the frozen air. “I am informed about what the kingdom has done. So without further ado, let us discuss the matter of he with black hair and black eyes. I of course speak of the Hero.”

All except for the speaker herself gulped. I suddenly felt anger boiling up within myself. The simple act of being reminded of that monster made me furious.

In contrast, Father looked dispirited, or rather, he’d given up putting on airs.

The Saintess having knowledge of the Hero’s distinctive features means that she has confirmation of his sightings outside the castle. She, at the very least, knows that the Hero has made himself an enemy to the kingdom. We would go nowhere attempting to hide that fact now.

“... Right. Lady Materia, what are your demands then?” Father said finally.

I mentally clicked my tongue hearing Father speak as if there was no more room for negotiation.

It’s too soon to give in. I know that Father isn’t the sharpest when it comes to political discourse, but we must stay firm in negotiations no matter how inevitable our loss. If not, we might lose more than we bargained for.

“I request that the kingdom not interfere with the time I spend with my dear Hero. I, as the Saintess, am destined to be one with the Hero, as you know.” The Saintess smiled like a blooming flower, in complete contrast to Father’s gloom.

I first felt relieved that she didn’t demand anything costly, but upon processing her words, I felt a sense of unease toward the lady.

I simply could not comprehend what sort of personality this Saintess would have to have for her to be smiling so affectionately despite knowing of the Hero’s atrocities.

According to the Lunaria faith, the Saintess is a woman who is to be bonded to the Hero and soothe his heart. As such, she must be the very picture of compassion. However, no matter how strongly she may believe her role to be honorable, I could not empathise with someone who could unhesitatingly say that she loves that vile otherworldly creature.

But from how she’s wording herself, I understood that even she didn’t know the Hero’s exact whereabouts.

“Apologies lady Saintess, as of now, even the kingdom does not know of his whereabouts. We have information on his brief period of activity in the castle town, but none whatsoever of where he’s gone.”

(Father, please try to reign in that loose tongue, this is ridiculous…)

I bit my lower lip at how easily Father was divulging information we could’ve used to our advantage. But surprisingly, the one who showed the most drastic change in expression from the revelation was,

“... Eh?” The Saintess herself. Likely, she had found this fact so outside of her expectations that she completely neglected to maintain her outer calm.

Father didn’t seem to notice that, and continued speaking.

The royal faction has been losing power in recent years so he must be thinking it unwise to make an enemy of the theocracy. Our plan had been to reign in the anti-royalists by showing off our control of the Hero, but that evidently ended in failure.

Thus, Father likely wants to reveal everything we know about the Hero in order to bury the hatchet with the theocracy.

“From the atrocious state of my daughter and many knights after the Hero assaulted them, we had initially been led to believe that he was a savage madman with strength beyond his control.” Father explained. “But seeing as how he’s been able to elude us thus far, it seems he is no mere barbarian. From the words he left behind, we can assume that he plans to cause trouble eventually. We believe it may be more productive to wait for him to reveal himself. Of course, we have not laxed on our search, but with only his black hair and eyes as unique features, it has been difficult.”

“By words he left behind?” The Saintess inquired.

“He said ’I refuse to be your pawn. Let those scars on your back be proof of that. I can, and will do worse. I will take everything from you. And there will be no mercy from my revenge, this time’.”

Father’s words made the wounds on my back, which were now fully healed, burn up in phantom pain. Once again, rage boiled inside me. And once again, I showed not a hint of it on the surface.

“I do not know if the theocracy possesses further details, but I am certain that he will act soon. And when he does so, we can be prepared to capture him.” Father finished with a sigh.

“...-is time? … can’t be, … why, … but, …… no.”

“Lady Materia? Is something the matter.”

The Saintess showed more reaction to the Hero’s message than even I on whom it was torturously carved on. She paid no heed as Father called to her. Her breathing hastened and her face had a dark expression as she looked down and started mumbling in a quiet voice.

Was she so aghast because of the news that the Hero is missing?

“...... then, …… oh, …… Leticia Lew Harston!”

All of us were shocked. The Saintess’ calm demeanor had crumbled and she was audibly grinding her teeth in frustration. I felt a chill run up my spine as I saw the lady display intense rage.

“Lady Materia, lady Materia.” Father called strongly. “Is everything alright?”

There was a pause.

“...... Pardon me, I am fine.” The Saintess raised her face and put on her usual smile. “I seem to have been more fatigued from my travels than I realized. I humbly request a continuation of this discussion at a later day, would that be agreeable?”

She may be smiling, but the difference from before, from that smile like a blooming flower, was like night and day. The contrast was apparent to everyone present.

“I, see.” Father said stiffly. “Very well. We can’t have the Saintess fall ill in our country after all. Let us put this off for another day.”

With that, the Saintess made a gesture of prayer in spite of her abnormal condition and with a bow, she also took her leave from the audience hall.

(Leticia Lew Harston?)

I was unable to make out most of what she’d said, but I heard the name she spoke at the end very clearly. I felt a strange unease from that name I didn’t know.

“Aaaaaaahhhh!! Ahhh, Uggghh, uhhuu, Aaaahh!!”

Inside the guest chamber prepared for Milady, mad wails echoed. The Saintess, as if she’d gone off the deep end, took out her boiling frustrations on the lavish bedding.

“Why! Why! WHY!! How much, will you taint, my Hero, before you’re, satisfied!! Demon! Demon! DEMON!!” Milady gripped and raised her pillow, and thrashed it on her sheets in rage.

I was assigned as the Saintess’ attendant not long before we left Lunaria to come to this kingdom, so I cannot say that I know Milady well enough to understand her. However, I have never seen or heard of such behavior for the esteemed lady, this anger, no, a furious rage is what this is.

“Why did this happen!? Why, why was my dear Hero’s soul corrupted by her, even in this new world!!? This isn’t how it’s supposed to be! Not this soon! I should have had time to save him this time!!”

“M-Materia-sama?” I hesitated, “Is there anything I can help with?”

This was a Saintess unknown to me. I trembled on the inside, but still ventured to ask if I could be of use. In the first place, I haven\'t a clue as to why the Saintess had been angered so. I regret leaving her alone in that audience hall.

“That woman! Witch! You dare dirty my, my dear, my dear...!! Uuuuuuu!!” Cried the Saintess, not paying any heed to my presence.


I could only watch on as Milady thrashed about in anguish.

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