Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 599 Meet them all!

Chapter 599 Meet them all!

"Grandmaster, that was a humiliating display that you just showed. Didn’t you say that you will teach Traveler Alex a lesson? What is this then?"

From the entourage of the Returners that arrived, one of them, who was a large, metallic, robot-like creature, spat out thdse harsh words towards the Grandmaster.

Disappointment and dismay cold be clearly heard from the voice of the robot when it talked, which seem to make the Grandmaster more despondent.

"Grandmaster, you came in here to teach Traveler Alex a lesson in behalf of all the Returners, but what happened was the opposite. You just made him look more imposing while you now stand still like a defeated man. What is wrong with you?" The robot added as its arms began to whirl imposingly. "Gzt, I should have let my drones deal with this Traveler!"

"..." In response to these words by the robot, the Grandmaster still kept his silence.

As for Alex, he quickly frowned while tensing his body, with his mind now focused on the new arrivals.

"This robot who just spoke... must be the Overlod that everyone was talking about." Alex thought warily as his eyes roved all over the robot’s sleek metal coating and humungous arms. "Quite frankly, I thought he will look like a genuine robot, but seeing that he’s actually a robot threw me off a little."

Now that he had seen the Overlord personally, all that Alex could feel was more pressure assaulating his body.

Alex does not like to admit it, but just like the Great TimeMaster and the Crimson God, the Overlord was just as domineering as them.

"Sigh, and from all the rumors that I heard I thought that the Overlord will be some kind of weird, traitourous guy. Seeing him here makes me think otherwise..."

From all the rumors and investigation that Ahex made for the past 3 months, he only had a limited knowledge about the Overlord, and all of them were just hearsays from many people.

Some of these rumors include the fact that even if he was a robot, the Overlord likes to gather women for his ’harem’. Some also say that he likes eating meat and fruits even if he’s a robot, while some radicals mention that he sometimes eat humans too.

With that kind of rumors, it was easy for Alex to assume that the Overlord is an evil, murderous entity who likes ending innocent lives.

But the Overlord that Alex saw right now was different. Sure, this Overlord seem to be intimidating, but with Alex’s FED sense, all that he can feel from the Overlord was a sense of loyalty and honor.

There’s no way someone evil from the rumors can have this kind of aura...

"Hmph, so this Overlord could be a good schemer. I need to take note of it..." Alex thought as he tried to calm his tense heart. "Now that I had seen him, I wonder how the other Returners would fare..."

Upon thinking of this, Alex’s eyes moved away from the Overlord as he focused on staring at the other Returners who came in with him.


Alex took note of all their appearances and auras, which his current body was barely able to handle.

One, two, three, and four. Aside from the Overlord and Grandmaster, there are 4 other Returners present in the area, which totals to 6 Returners.

This number might seem incomplete, but its actually correct, given the fact that the Crimson God was dead, and that the Arcane Sorceress and the Immortal Empress were both stuck inside the Celestial Carp Continent.

"Excluding the Crimson God, the Arcane Sorceress, and the Immortal Empress, there should be 6 remaining Returners here in the Traveler’s World. Right in front of me are 6 beings who appear to be as powerful as each other. Put those two together, and its obvious. The people standing right in front of me are the genuine Returning Travelers..."

Located 5 meters away from Alex was a woman who looked as elegant as night, and who wore a green robe that covered her perfect body. Her eyes glittered like stars as her hair swayed with the wind, making her appear as ethereal.

Time seem to move erratically around her, forcing nearby object to steer clear of her.

This woman was undoubtedly the Great TimeMaster, and she still looked as calm as before, even when she was surrounded by the Retuerns who clearly treats her with hostility.

Behind the Great TimeMaster was the Old Man, who appearance needs no more introductions.

Standing further more behind the Old Man were the two remaining Returners, who just like the others, had their own unique appearances too.

The one of the left was a feminine-looking man, whose pink sweater and baggy pants sloughed off his body as they were just too big for him. This man also wore a bright, sparkly belt that did not complement well with his large glasses and his long chain bracelet.

Add this man’s ridiculous afro hairstyle, and he appeared to be just a man who had lost any semblance of fashion sense.

"Ah, this man could be the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude. Only someone who had flamboyant and ridiculous name like that can look like this..." With just a look at this man, Alex can see that he’s the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude. After all, only someone with a name this bad can wear this atrocois clothes.

"How the hell did this man even become a Traveler? No, the quesiotn should be: how the hell did this man even get some followers? I don’t think that anyone will have the heart to just follow him..."

The world of the Travelers sure is myteriues, and even with Alex’s intelligence, the mystery on how the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude managed to be this influential still slips from his grasp.

"Ah, forget about his appearance. Even if he looks like this, the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude is still a powerful being...."

Standing beside the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude was the final Returner, and he looks in every way just as unique as the others.

A long, black robe which covered all the skin on his body.

A black mask that sealed all the openings and skin on his face.

A large sword with a handle as a cross that hung on his back.

And a massive scythe that was protruding from his left arm.

These are the characteristics of the final Returner, who did not move and make any sound ever since his arrival. He just remained stationary from his spot, and he did not flinch even when the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude started heckling him.

Such kind of silence was enough to unnerve Alex, who felt that this man was the most mysterious out of all the Returners.

"Through the process of Elimination, there is only one identity left for this man. He must be the Returner who has a body made up of Laws." Alex thought surly as he tried to make sense of the man’s attire. "Hm, he certainly looks just as myterios as the rumors say. I wonder what his real powers are.."

Alex was not sure why, but there was just something about this final Returner that made him feel nervous. This was unlike the nervousness that he felt when fighting the Great TimeMaster or the Grandmaster.

No, this nervousness was much more deep-set, something that Alex did not feel before.

As for why he was feeling this, Alex cannot make sense of it now.

"Hm, now that I remember it, this man did not have any name or title for himself." Alex thought as his eyes passed their gaze on the large scythe. He squinted upon seeing the scythe, as pinpricks of pain suddenly materialize in his head. "He was just called as the man who had a body made up of Laws, and that is definitely werid."

"Hm, why does he not call himself by any names? Is there a secret related to that? I’m not really sure, but I think I must investigate this more..."


With his deductive reasoning perfectly confirming that the new arrivals were indeed the Returners, Alex decided to increase his alertness, as each one of them has their valid reasons to attack him.

Of course the Great TimeMaster and the Old Man will not attack him, since they were allies from the start.

Speaking of Old Man....

"Huh. Why does Old Man look cleaner today? Did someone clean him up before coming here?" Upon seeing that the grime and dirt present on Old Man’s face was mostly cleared up, Alex could only frown as confusion filled his head. "With how dirty the Old Man is, I doubt there’s anyone who had the guts to clean him.... So what is this? Just magic? Yeah, maybe it is..."

"Oi Alex! How come you did not tell me about your radiing plans? I only heard it after the Custodian announced it! How could you be so heartless to not tell me?" Noticing Alex’s gaze on him, the silent Old Man began shouting at him, as if what Alex did was extremely offensive to him. "I might be lazy, but I am willing to fight when needed too, you know!"

"Tsk, why will I call you, when I still suspect you? Besides, you reek like rotting s**t before. There’s no way that I will bring you along with my kid." Alex did not say these words aloud, as he knew this might just irk the Old Man more.

"Oi Alex, why are you just silent? Can’t you answer my question? Come on, I’m your Odl Man, so don’t worry!"

"Old Man, I doubt Alex is in any mood to speak today. He just fought a hard fight, so he needs to rest." The Great TimeMaster interjected, whiel giving the Old Man a condescendting stare. "Just like how your servants faced a challenge on cleaing you, Alex had a hard time resisting the Grandmaster’s seal. So just give him some slack and let him rest."

"Why you-"

"Um Great TImeMaster, I’m not really that tired. I just consumed little of my power, so I’m still near my peak condition." Realizing that the two Returners were about to argue, Alex quickly talked in order to stop them. "And Great TimeMsater, I think you should not tease Old Man about his condition. You never know, he must be always dirty because he’s doing something important."

"Oh Alex, you really never know this Old Man. You think he’s dirty because he’s forced to be dirty? Sigh, this man is just lazy, period." The Great TimeMaster replied with a sigh. She even shook her head with a pitying expression while saying this, as if she was piyting Alex for his naivety. "If you were not just his protégé, I would have adviced you to stay way from the Old Man, Alex. But since you’re his protégé, I can only wish you luck on staying with him.’


"Alex, instead of bickering with this Old Man, why don’t we just head inside the Roaming Inn already? Since all of us are here, it’s the perfect time to meet the Custodian..." Ignoring the Old Man who was actually flushed red from anger, the Great TiemMaster coolly said these words, with her eyes sweeping all over the other Returners. "If we stay outside here for longer, some unnecessary fight might happen."

"’Y-eah, I think we should really head in." Since there’s nothing else to do outside, Alex found himself agreeing with the Great TimeMaster. "Wait, but how about the Grandmaster? He’s still in shock. What do we do about him? Should I slap him awake?"

"There is no need for that, human. Let’s just bring this man with us. With his current state, it will be only him who can wake himself up." The Overlord roughly said, with his grating voice making his words sound much harsher. "I shall bring him with me, so go on with your business and ighnore him."

"...Ok, if that’s what you say, Overlord."

"Don’t call me Overlord. Call me THE OVERLORD."

"Um, what’s the difference of the two?"

"Pitiful human, even when you’re a rare talent, your intellgince is just comparable to a rock. How were you able to come here in that kind of mentality?"

"I don’t know, Overlord. Maybe you should ask-"

"Call me THE OVERLORD, not just Overlord! How many times do you have to listen to me, huh? Are you really stupid or what?"


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