My Evil Stepson System

Chapter 72 72. The Bar.

Right after the girls left, Kevin offered to buy Sasha a drink as a \'thank you\' for helping him shake off the two girls.

If it had been anyone else, Sasha probably wouldn\'t have agreed to his offer, but because she had been hoping to see him again for so long, she couldn\'t let this chance slip her by.

She immediately agreed to have a drink with him. This was her chance to sort out all of the emotions running through her mind in the past few days.

However, Sasha didn\'t know that those emotions had been stirred up by Kevin\'s secret entry into her apartment as he subtly drugged her meals while hiding inside her house with the aid of his skill (Cubic Fabricated Reality).

The same skill he had used to trail Dahlia in Winterfell Park without her knowing that he was right behind her the whole time.

After settling down in the bar, she couldn\'t believe how they both shared the same preference.

Although, this was also a result of Kevin and Victoria studying her closely for the past two weeks.

\'Do you always come here for a drink?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, I do. But I haven\'t been here for almost a week now because of how hectic things have been for me." Kevin replied.

\'Wow! What are the odds? I never knew he visited this bar just like I do,\' She thought to herself.

\'I guess this explains why he left the spa.\'

\'I\'ll do whatever it takes to find out what these feelings I\'ve been having really are.\'

Sasha slowly drank her beer as she began her interrogation, trying to know more about Kevin.

"I didn\'t know you were a professor."

"I actually am. I just decided to take on a few of my hobbies that\'s all."

"So being a masseur is one of them?"


"But if it was a hobby, why did you quit so soon?"

Since he\'s a professor, then it means his university must have sent both lecturers and students home because of reports of students going missing at night due to cannibals and the Awakened alike.

"Well, being a masseur might have been a hobby of mine but I really love being a professor. I have a strong passion for it," Kevin lied, he had never felt any passion for it.

[Yeah, right, you sly fox.]

\'Shh, I\'m busy right now,\' Kevin snickered internally.

[Hehe..... Sorry,] The parasite whispered.

"Such a shame, I really liked our session together," Sasha muttered quietly to herself.

"Huh?" Kevin asked, not quite getting what she said.

"Oh, it\'s nothing."

[You seriously didn\'t hear that?] The system asked in disbelief.

\'C\'mon you know I have to play along,\' He replied to the system.

[Oh! I see. That\'s quite smart.]

"But, I have to admit, you\'re really good at it," Sasha said sadly.

Kevin chuckled. " Nah, I simply had really good teachers."

"Oh please, don\'t be modest. I\'ve heard a lot about how good you are."

"Haha, I\'m sure they\'re just rumours and nothing more," Kevin laughed it off while rubbing the back of his neck like he was nervous.

"Oh!! That reminds me. You said you\'re a professor, right?"

"Yeah?"I think you should take a look at

"Wow!" She said in wonder

"What is it?" Kevin asked with a chuckle.

"It\'s weird cause you look really young."

"Oh! But isn\'t that a good thing?"

"I\'m not saying it\'s a bad thing. I\'m just surprised that a young man like you has achieved a PhD."

"Oh!! Maybe this will make it easier for you to believe me," Kevin put his hand into his back pocket while activating his Cubic Fabricated Reality skill before bringing out a fake university ID card displaying his name, age, photo and occupation in the university.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "You\'re a professor at Emerald City\'s premier university?"

Kevin shrugged it off as though it was nothing to brag about.

On his fake ID card, Kevin was a professor in the department of statistics at the best university, not only in Emerald City but also across all four cities.

Professors of the university in question were also known to be extremely rich. Moreover, the lecturers and professors were rumoured to be exceptionally intelligent.

\'That\'s why those girls were fawning over him.\' She came to a realisation.

\'But isn\'t this great?\'

\'He seems to have a way of making women fawn over him.\'

\'Plus,\' She looked at the card one more time. \'He\'s twenty-five?\'

\'How can a man look so young?\'

\'Even I can\'t deny how handsome he looks.\'

\'He should be able to handle Amy\'s arrogant attitude.\'

\'I\'m certain that after seeing him once, she\'ll want to have him as her tutor.\'

\'But as for her father, I\'ll have to explain to him how beneficial it will be to have an invaluable professor like Kevin tutor his daughter.\'

\'We could divide the task of tutoring her six hours a day equally.\'

\'No, that would be insane.\'

\'We can give him a week to tutor her and by the end of the week, we\'ll have her take an aptitude test to see how much she has improved in a week.\'

\'It might be risky betting on Kevin to improve Amy\'s academic standing in just a week, but we can\'t know if it will work until we try.\'

\'And if it doesn\'t, I\'ll resume being her only tutor.\'

\'I\'m certain Mr Stark will understand how committed we are to turning his daughter into a genius.\'

\'I just hope she opens up to him.\'

\'And if she still doesn\'t want to take him seriously, we could always try to convince her into being massaged by him.\'

\'I could also use this to my advantage by having him massage me as well.... hehe.\'

\'It seems I\'m the real genius here.....hehe.\' She chuckled to herself once more.

Sasha took three gulps of beer before dropping the cup with a flushed face while smiling to herself at the idea of having his hands on her body once again.

"Sasha? Are you alright?" Kevin asked, concerned by the weird look on her face and the slight drool trickling down the side of her lips.

"Hm? Oh! I\'m fine," She wiped her mouth clean, smiling back at him.

"So, um, I was wondering if you\'re interested in tutoring a young girl called, Amy?"

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