My Civil Servant Life Reborn in the Strange World

Chapter 349

Chapter 349. Father and Son (1)

Zendia asked Galak, who was looking at Wayne, the Witch of Pride, who had yet to regain consciousness, "So, this person is my mother?"

When he saw Wayne, who looked much younger than him, Zendia sighed and frowned with a headache.

"Yeah, isn’t she pretty? Her personality is crazy, but her face is pretty.” Galak chuckled whether he knew Zendia’s feelings or not.

Zendia, with a leg wrapped in a strong aura, kicked his father’s shin.


At the sudden surprise attack, Galak grabbed his shin and rolled on the floor.

Marco, who was watching it from the side, laughed happily. "Hahaha! Good job! I was so annoyed by that jerk! Hit him more!"

"Hey! If a son is being immoral and hitting his father, you should be stopping him! Are you even my friend?!" Galak protested.

Marco raised his middle finger on both hands and shouted, "Screw off! You **** punk! That’s why you should do it in moderation. You ****, I’ll **** you up!"

"Oho, maybe if you **** do ****. Go trip on a stone! You **** bastard."

"Yeah, never mind. Why don’t you do that?”

While watching their childish verbal fight, Zendia sighed and kicked Galak’s butt, who was still lying down.

"Hey! It hurts, Son!"

"Please grow up! And if you’d told me this!"

"You would’ve stopped me. Do you think I don’t know you? You’re the type to stop me even though you’re hurting because I’m doing something wrong,” Galak retorted.

Zendia had nothing to say. He would have certainly stopped his father despite feeling awful and suffering.

Galak got up from his seat and dusted himself. "Your sense of responsibility is too strong. Because you’re trying to take responsibility for things you don’t have to take responsibility for, you’ve finally crossed the limit now that you could have overcome before.”

Zendia clenched his fist and slapped his father in the face.

"Wait, wait a minute! I think I just said something nice, but you’re hitting me!?”

Marco snorted at Galak. "That slap made a great sound. You idiot."

"Whether I stop you or not, if it’s family business, we should at least consult! Do you think you’re so great or something? What the hell’s wrong with you, Father?!"

At Zendia’s assault, Marco thought it was a good time and hit Galak excitedly.

"Ah! It hurts! Marco, I’m not going to let you go!"

"Why? Are you going to kill me? Aigoo! People of the world! I sacrificed myself for the world, and my friend is trying to kill me!"

"You...! You bastard! Then, aigoo! A young man is beating an old man!"

"What? You’re the same age as me! You just got old alone? Aigoo! You must be happy that you got old by yourself!"

At Galak and Marco’s conversation, Zendia sighed and stopped kicking.

"If Father’s friend comes forward like that, then I have no choice but to forgive him," Zendia said.

It was hard to keep getting angry when the hero, who even disregarded his life, stepped up. Galak knew his own faults which were why despite saying those things, he obediently took the beating without trying to stop them or avoid it.

Marco smacked his lips. "Hmm? Never mind. Why do you forgive him? Hit him more. I want to hit him more."

When Zendia stopped beating him, Marco also stopped hitting. Then he sat on the altar where Wayne was lying.

"I thought I would go crazy just existing there in the reverse world where the Demon King was sealed because there was no concept of time and space. I’m sure he knows well because he’s been beaten by the Demon King once. What it means to be sealed there," said Marco.

Galak sat up silently.

"At that time, Wayne and Oryana worked together to save him, but Wayne and I were in a situation where that wasn’t possible. Of course, the fact that that idiot almost messed up the world and that he is a selfish guy without countermeasures does not change. He’s a guy who truly deserves to die." Marco spoke casually, but his hand trembled little, perhaps thinking of the time when he was sealed.

Perhaps the Demon King was crazy because it came to this world after living in such a world.

"But I’m still grateful to be able to smell the fresh air after a long time. Well, even though I was probably a bonus on top of Wayne."

Marco smiled slightly and asked while looking at the explosion from afar, "They’ve been fighting for hours. Is it okay to not stop them?”

Galak and Zendia shrugged at the same time at Marco’s concern.

"It’s a normal friendship between father and son. Why?”

"It’s common in my village."

Marco shook his head annoyed from hearing the answers from the two.

"If I had known that such a frightening fight would last this long, I would have followed that knight like Oryana’s successor."

He couldn’t understand the father and son of the Crow Tribe.


I laughed at my father who held my shoulder.

"Hahaha, can’t you just let me go?"

My father laughed along at my question.

"Hahaha! I can’t do that! You have to follow in my footsteps in order for me to retire.”

"You’re still young! How can you retire when you’re only 45 years old? Grandfather retired after over 70!" I cried.

My father looked at my grandfather who had a complicated expression after hearing the situation from having arrived late.

"That’s because my father gave birth to me late because of a broken heart! I followed in my father’s footsteps when I was your age!”

My grandfather was choked up by my father’s rebuttal.

"Hey! Why do you need to say the part about a broken heart!?"

Suddenly, when we entered the dark history, my grandfather roared and my father flinched.

"Anyway, what I am saying is that I followed my father at an early age."

"But Father didn’t take over until you were nearly 30 years old! I’m not even 20 yet!”

"Even if you’re less than 20, since you’ve surpassed the limits, it’s okay to follow in my footsteps! Rather, the elders will like it even more if you, who’s much smarter than me, becomes the chief!"

At my father’s coercion, I frowned. "I’m a magician. If I go back to the Olympus Forest, I’ll be weakened again."

My father snorted at my rebuttal.

"Hmph! That’s funny! You think I don’t know that you’ve surpassed the limits and can use the Dance of the Fireflies however you want? Saying that someone who can use the Dance of the Fireflies is bullcrap."

Tch, how did he know?

"The Dance of the Fireflies that I use is an expedient that mixes magic. If I use it without expediency, I’ll suffer from severe muscle pain."

"That’s a given. When I had just exceeded my limits, for years I would get muscle pain when I used the Dance of the Fireflies. Besides, what’s a guy who flew in the sky and crossed the canyon even before surpassing the limit saying?”

If you say that, I have nothing to say. It was impossible to beat a person with words who didn’t intend to let me go in the first place.

I sighed deeply and told Tristan, who was watching this place from afar, "Tristan, the situation here is over now, so come and take Hillis safely to the empire."

Hillis protested, "Wait! Let’s go together!"

"As you know, my persuasion with my father didn’t work at all. You might get caught up, so go ahead first."

My father laughed pleasantly at my words.

"Ahahaha! You’re talking as if you can go."

"Of course. I told you these days. That I’m going to run away. This is something that’s confirmed."

I took out my magic wand and put in mana. The magic wand, which had the Miracle Crystal added, gave off ferocious mana. I was obviously weaker than my father but the situation became unknown if my reinforced magic wand was added.

"Seems fun."

My father exploded with a martial aura against my mana.

"Since it’s become like this, go ahead first. I’ll write you a letter later," I said.

Hillis bit her lips. She could probably guess that if we split up here, we wouldn’t be able to meet at least for the next few years.

By now, the letter of resignation and notice of leaving the boarding room that I prepared in advance would have arrived at the Adventurers’ Guild headquarters and the boarding house. It was something I should have done anyways at the time when the prime minister and Uncle Bloody discovered my location and identity. I just postponed the end of the fun.

As everything ends, the time had come to put an end to my life as a civil servant.

"... All right." Hillis nodded her head sullenly.

She couldn’t help it. She was a saintess and had her own obligations.

Tristan, who came here from afar, whistled. "Wow, is it okay for me to not help you? You’ve kept us all this time just so you could have an advantage at times like these,” he asked.

I smiled. "It’s okay. It would be nice, but Caradoc and Gwalchavad, who are the key players, were destroyed."

Without Caradoc, who was supposed to move the army of dragon tooth soldiers, and Gwalchavad, the center of defense to protect me, the prearranged plan against my father would be useless. So it was more beneficial to switch him to being Hillis’s escort.

"Then there’s nothing I can do." Tristan immediately gave up helping me and escorted Hillis.

Seeing that, I made a suggestion to my father. "There are patients here, so let’s go away from here."

My father agreed and I flew in the opposite direction to the empire. If I went towards the empire, then Hillis could get caught up in the aftermath of the battle.

After a long time moving away from the altar, my father smiled lightly and said, "Seeing that you’ve obediently agreed to fight, you must have finally decided to give up and succeed me, Youngest."

He seemed to firmly believe that he would win without an inch of hesitation. Honestly, I thought so too.

"No way. Of course, I’ll run away."

My father and I simultaneously raised our mana and martial aura. Sparks splashed everywhere and my mana and my father’s martial aura collided. The space began to distort as if haze bloomed in the invisible battle of superiority for space. I was the one who used the trick first.

"Ice wolf of the North Wind! The March of the Queen’s Protectors! This is the land of ice! Appear, Ice Castle!"

Ice that had stopped Yuria’s magic emerged and rose, surrounding my father.

"Try it!"

My father raised his martial aura to the extreme and tried to destroy the ice castle before it was completed.


I tried to stop my father’s movements by laying invisible mines around him, but he casually ignored them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of mines exploded, and a huge explosion engulfed my father. The ice castle was completely shattered by my father’s footwork, and my father was completely unfazed even in the explosion.

"Enlightenment! Killing a Wild Boar!"

As the floor was collapsing, my father stepped on a large block of ice and leaped, charging at me with protective strong aura surrounding him.

I attacked my father by manipulating the collapsing debris of the ice castle. However, fragments of the ice castle could not stop my father’s strong breakthrough. I flew high, infusing a lot of mana into the Holy Sword, and swung it at my father.

"Enlightenment! Cutting the Clouds!"

As if my strong aura was more threatening than the ice debris, this time, he kicked the air and avoided the strong aura I shot.

"Enlightenment! Opening the Peacock’s Tail!"

My father, who avoided my strong aura, shot countless chunks of strong aura at me.

"Bird Who Has Consumed Thunder! Cry!"

In response, I magically shot countless thunderbirds to shoot down my father’s strong auras. As the chunks of strong aura and thunderbirds collided, explosions happened everywhere. While my vision was temporarily blocked by the explosion, my father kicked into the air one after another and grabbed my back.


My father cut my neck with a kick, the illusion of me scattered like smoke.

"What do you mean careless?"

"Did you think—"

"That you’d so easily get my back?”

My illusions appeared from all over the place and spoke one by one. My father laughed joyfully at them.

"Ahahaha! Looks like it’ll be a fun fight! Let’s give it a go!"

My father rushed towards my illusions.

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