My Vampire System

Chapter 2166 God Slayer 2 (Part 1)

There was a strong sense of curiosity for Quinn at the moment, as he started to think about who or what his next opponent could be. In a lot of ways, he had felt like he had reached the pinnacle of what he could do.

After all, Mundus himself had stated several times that Quinn was strong, it was why they were even considering making him an agent to do their bidding in the first place. Yet with his first opponent what it had reminded him was the fact that the universe was almost infinite.

It was so large and there were those that were going through their own troubles and journeys and in doing so had grown incredibly strong.

\'That monkey man was tougher than I expected, and it\'s quite possible that I\'ll have to face four more like him. Still, if I\'ve done it once, then I can do it again, and this time I\'m refreshed. The cool down on the Fang set has gone off as well, so I can fight at full strength.\'

A large flash of white light appeared on the surface of an orange coloured planet. When the white light disappeared, there was only Mundus and Quinn present, and immediately Quinn had noticed something drastic.

"It\'s... so hot!" Quinn stated as he wiped sweat from his forehead. As a vampire, and a god slayer himself it was extremely difficult to make him sweat, even in extreme heat, but this heat was beyond extreme.

The ground was incredibly dry, orange coloured, with large cracks going through it, and when trying to look at the air in front of them, it was distorted with heat waves. Even when looking at the sky it was strange, rather than fluffy clouds, there were balls of flames that were flying through it like comets.

"Why are we on this planet, can anything even live here?" Quinn asked. Since the basis of life, whether it be beast or human, was water and in this heat he couldn\'t imagine there being any water anywhere.

"This is where your next opponent will be, and you hit the nail on the head with your question there." Mundus said, who seemed to be dealing with the heat a bit better than Quinn, but there were still small signs of discomfort.

"This planet was not like this before. It was filled with plant life, large lakes and beasts that would roam around the entire land, a drastic change compared to what it is now." Mundus explained.

"The change is all the result of the god slayer that is currently on this planet, a beast that is so powerful that it is at the god slayer level, a beast that is born to be great, today you will be fighting a Phoenix."

Quinn looked around, struggling and wondering if he could see this Phoenix but there was nothing. At least not where they were. Thinking about the description that Mundus gave, while Quinn had fought many beasts that were like Phoenix\'s before, were they not real ones.

"I know what you are thinking but trust me, what you might have fought against are just mere imatitions of the real thing." Mundus continued. "Think about it, the beast is so powerful that whatever planet it resides on, it terraforms it to fit with its own nature.

"When the Phoenix decides to settle, then eventually, no matter what without fail, all life on the planet, including the other beasts, will perish."

Hearing Mundus\' explanation, it really did sound powerful. It was hard to imagine that such power could change a planet to be like this.

"There is a reason why I said all of those that you fought before, that have Phoenix like forms are just imitations, and that is because we know quite a few facts about this god slayer and it is because it is a god slayer that has existed for a very long time." Mundus explained.

Quinn was liking the sound of this less and less, if the god slayer had lived for a long time, it most likely meant it was that powerful.

"In the entire Universe, there can only be one Phoenix that exists at a time. There has never been two of the same type of beast. Which is why those other beasts are simply a fake, this is the real thing.

"However, the beast has been defeated before, it is possible to kill it, yet everytime the beast is killed, it seems like another Phoenix is born elsewhere. This is why we know only one can exist at one time.

"Yet, it\'s strange right? Based on what is said it is assumed that the beast is in a reincarnation cycle, somewhat similar to the celestials, but when it perishes it leaves behind a god slayer crystal. Because of all of this, we tend to leave this god slayer alone once it finds a planet to terraform.

"However, every hundred years or so, it likes to move to another planet, and at that moment we try to deal with it, if it is moving to a planet that either can\'t handle the god slayer or one with a lot of lives.

"Although we are short by another 10 years or so, I think it is fine to have an early start."

Knowing all this information again, it made Quinn feel a little less bad and it did make him wonder. Was Mundus selecting god slayers that were bad on purpose, so he could fight without worrying about it.

\'It can\'t be, what would Mundus even go out of his way to do that. He is just following orders from those Ancient ones.\' Quinn thought. \'There\'s no need for him to tell me this information though, so he could just be making it up.\'

Quinn gave Mundus a look as he was trying to read the messenger.

"You don\'t have to feel bad about this one." Mundus said. "Think of it as a free crystal that we would have had anyway."

Forgetting about Mundus, Quinn needed to focus on the task at hand, and he started to try to find the god slayer. According to the Messenger, the hotter it got, it meant they were moving in the right direction.

"Is it really going to get much hotter than this? I really don\'t deal with heat well." Quinn asked. This was off putting because Quinn really, really didn\'t want for it to get any hotter. As they continued to walk through the dry land.

"Okay, I will take note, the next time I will try and transport you to a cold land." Mundus replied. "I\'m stuck between deciding your next opponents so that helps me out greatly."

Eventually, off in the distance there was what looked like a mountain, but not quite.

It was almost like a mountain that had the top of it sliced off and it was the same colour as the rest of the planet, the strange dry orange. On top of the flat surface, they could see it.

Hundreds of small solar flares were circling around a large bird-like creature, it was curled up, into a type of ball, and it was breathing deeply in and out. The strangest thing was it didn\'t look to have a real physical body form.

Even when sleeping, the beast looked to be made of nothing but flames. Its feathers were just small flames that were constantly moving.

\'If it doesn\'t have a body, how am I going to deal with this one? Will I have to use the shadow to try and take it out, or do I attempt my strongest attack and get this over with.\'

Since the beast was asleep, Quinn was inching forward closer and closer and even now the heat was getting more intense. There had to be a point where the beast would react and the plan was at that moment, he would use Nitro Accelerate to get there and attack.

When Quinn took one more step forward, the beast\'s eyes had opened.

Quinn was ready to use the skill, that was until the system message popped up.

A message he hadn\'t seen for a long time, one that he thought he would never have to ever deal with again, had turned up, and it would only turn up with the type of opponent he was facing.

\'Did Mundus know about this... or is it just a coincidence?\'

[You are being affected by Sunlight]

[- 30 percent to all stats.]



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