How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 589 - 590 700,000 years of old antique

Chapter 589: Chapter 590 700,000 years of old antique

"I\'m in."

The Leap Forward creature is next to the side of the mothership-class spacecraft, the rhizome is etched from the chemical coordination etching hole, and the rhizome then breeds collector, who use this method to invade the interior of the spacecraft through a small hole.

At the same time, the rhizome will also be crowded, which will not only ensure that the jumping organism will not leave the spacecraft, but also ensure that the internal pressure of the spacecraft will remain unchanged.

The collector looked around. It was in a corridor. The collector had an airtight gate on the left and right, and a suspected alarm could be heard. It should be that the owner of the spacecraft had detected the collector\'s invasion.

However, this thing is useless for collectors, because collectors can play with chemistry. It is completely no problem to break through the airtight gate in the same way of breaking through the spacecraft\'s armor. As long as the material remains in the molecular state, the collector\'s method will always work, and the difference is only in the time consumed.

After looking at the airtight gates on both sides, the collector then gave birth to another individual.

Usually, when people are facing a fork in the road, they usually choose a fork in the road, but collectors do not need to make a choice. They can add value to individuals, take a fork in their own way, and other peers take the fork in the road they choose.

"Let\'s act separately." Collectors are against the same race.


After thinking about it, the collector had a message to this new fellow race.

"Remember to keep in radio contact at all times. You go that way and I\'ll go this way."


The collector\'s method to deal with the spacecraft\'s shell is also used on the gastight gate. After etching a suitable hole, he drills into the opposite side of the airtight gate.

One thing that is more noteworthy for collectors is the age of the spacecraft.

While using chemical coordination etching the outer armor of the spacecraft, the collector also measured the atomic half-life, and the result was 700,000 years.

After a period of exploration, the collector asked another individual by radio, during which it encountered many forks and gave birth to many of the same race to explore separately.

"Where have you been?" The collector asked about his nearest family.

"I\'m still in the channel. There are too many separators, and it will take some time to penetrate them with chemical coordination."

After confirming the situation, the collector told the same family they had conceived. These newborns were still inexperienced and were not even proficient in how to turn their minds.

"It\'s strange that no aliens have been found so far. You should pay attention to concealment. If you are attacked in such an environment, I can\'t provide you with support."

"Okay, I\'ll be careful." The newborn individual answered.

The collector withdrew his attention to his side. There was a closed metal door in front of it. In appearance, this door was different from the airtight door, that is, the door of a room, rather than for air-sealed lock passage.

"I have found a room here and am trying to enter."

The old method is to use chemical coordination, even if the strength of the metal door is extremely high, the collector can easily enter the back of this door.

The collector entered the back of the door, observed the situation around him vigilantly, digitized his visual information, and radioed it to his fellow family outside the spaceship.

The room is large, but not high. The big one is only long and wide. You can see many tables and chairs. At a glance, it looks like a farmland with tables and chairs.

"It feels like a place specially used for eating on this spaceship..."

The collector outside the spacecraft muttered after seeing such a scene.

"What is the basis of your thinking?" Other peers asked.

"There are many tables and large space here, which is very similar to the \'canteen\' on the side of Selin."

"What is the canteen?"

Today\'s collectors do not have a deep understanding of the Selin people, because many of them have not seen the Selin people since birth. The reason why they know the Selin people is purely because they exist in knowledge and memory, and once threatened the survival of the whole ethnic group.

"It\'s a special place to eat. The Selin people are very strange in some aspects. They like to eat together. Unlike us, they will waste some time walking around. Because of these inexplicable behaviors, their production capacity has been very low." The collector answered the questions of his peers.

"What can be found in such a place?"

"Uh...let me think about it." The collector was silent for a moment and tentatively replied, "The eating habits of aliens?"

Another individual gave a more appropriate answer.

"At least we can understand the composition of each other\'s elements through their food."

The exploration continues. Relying on the infrared perspective, the collector wanders around without light, touching and looking around, like a curious baby.

"A lot of dust has accumulated, and it seems that it hasn\'t been used here for a long time..."

The tables and chairs are placed neatly, but a lot of dust has accumulated on them. The spacecraft uses the spacecraft to rotate to create artificial gravity, which also leads to dust accumulation conditions.

After searching around, the collector did not find much. He only found a place different from the tables and chairs. There were many buttons in this place, separated from the large space where the tables and chairs were located, and there was a solid long table, and something like a suspected chopping board could be seen.

"I didn\'t see any food, and there was no garbage. It was very clean..."

The muttering collector\'s eyes suddenly settled in a place. It saw many gorgeous containers behind a pile of silicon crystal plates. The containers were colorful but also transparent, and it could be seen that there was liquid inside.

"Huh? This is..."

The collector did not hesitate much when he took out a transparent container and opened the package.

It didn\'t think too much and drank all the liquid in the container directly.

"It\'s ammonia."

The collector made a judgment that the liquid drunk could get the most accurate proportion of liquid components to the molecular level through the magical stomach analysis of the collector.

"There should be others... Yes!"

The collector saw a red button covered with a lid on the wall. Without thinking about it, he released the lid and pressed it directly.

Immediately, the whole canteen became brightly lit, and the ceiling, floor and walls in the room turned into light bulbs, emitting bright light.

"Oh - it\'s on."

In addition to these changes, the collector also heard strange sounds. Following the sound, he could see a pair of robotic arms sticking out of the wall and not knowing what he was busy with.

About six minutes later, the robotic arm held a plate and handed it to the collector.

The plate is a burnt black object, which is poured with transparent light green liquid, and the periphery of the plate is decorated with green plants.

" this for me?"

The collector was stunned. It could see that it was a piece of food, so he took the plate, rolled up the hot black object with his tentacles, and ate it in one bite.


"Is this genetic structure...silicon-based organisms?"

Although high temperature will cause the genetic chain to collapse, this does not prevent the collector from analyzing what organism the food comes from. After all, the high temperature of the furnace has not yet destroyed the atomic structure.

Then the collector began another analysis, which was difficult, because it had to reversely know what kind of organism the food came from with the help of the remaining genetic fragments.

Generally speaking, this is difficult to do, just like pinching a stone into powder and reassembling the powder into the original complete stone, and there is no difference at all.

But collectors can do it, because they have languageized genes. Genes are just a language for collectors. They can say whatever they want without looking up dictionaries and spelling words one by one.

"Let me see what this gene expression is."

"Strange, according to the expression of this genetic blueprint, the transcribed organisms should be only the size of bacteria. Why is this food so big?"

The collector was puzzled about the answer he found, and coupled with the previous 700,000-year half-life measurement, the collector\'s doubts expanded.

Obviously, in 700,000 years, sows must be able to climb trees. A civilization, no, without a civilization, the development of people on a spacecraft is enough to build a civilization, and this civilization has the ability to develop far beyond the height of collectors.

After a few more laps, the collector made no new discoveries, so he decided to go elsewhere to continue exploring.

Soon, the collector found that its doubts and accidents in the canteen were small compared with everything he saw later.

Destroying an airtight gate, the collector came to a large space, and everything in front of him suddenly became bright. This time, not only the length and width, but also the height. This is a cube space with a length and a width of three kilometers. The building is a pillar supporting this space.

Walking in this place, the collector was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, dazzling and couldn\'t help muttering to herself.

"What is this place?"

After taking back his mind, the collector noticed that this place had not been used for a long time, with a lot of dust piled up.

"One more half-life sampling."

The collector stopped moving forward, casually picked up a little substance from his feet and put it into his mouth for analysis. The result was still the same as before.

"70 million years."

Continuing to explore, the collectors came to the foot of these high-rise buildings and supporting columns. Some areas were covered with soil and were not covered by floors.

"What are these open spaces?"

The collector was puzzled - could it be that the builder of this spacecraft was lazy?

Collectors outside the spacecraft answered this question.

"It should be the planting area of potted plants. The Selin people also like to put something useless in their spaceships."

"Don\'t say so absolutely. This is a food planting base, or it\'s an air circulation room. There is such a special space in the Carter spacecraft to use the photosynthesis of plants to circulate air."

It also circled several times, but the collector couldn\'t find any useful clues at all. All the signs in the spacecraft showed that the spacecraft had been unused for a long time.

"Maybe there are no aliens on this spacecraft."

But this doesn\'t make sense in theory, because 700,000 years is really too long, and the spacecraft is still moving all the time, which doubles the probability of encountering danger.

"If no one on this spaceship exists, who replied to us before? And if there is no one, how can this spaceship exist in 700,000 years?

After some discussion, the collectors still can\'t come to a conclusion, because there is too little information at present.

"In a word, let\'s find the source of the reply message to us before coming to a conclusion."

The collector who was about to leave the room immediately caught the approach of an unknown object, like something rolling.

"Is there a sound? That\'s the direction!"

The five-sensing collector took only a second to lock the source of the sound.

At a glance, found that the source of the sound was indeed rolling over. It was a metal ball on which you could see the lines of many mechanical parts. It should be a robot used for service on this spacecraft.

The machine ball heard the close approach of the collector and unfolded into a robot.

It gives priority to greeting the collectors.


"Can the machine speak?"

The collector looked at the robot in front of him with surprised eyes.

"It should be just a program."

The collector outside the spacecraft expressed his opinion, but its view is not tenable.

"No, it\'s speaking Selin. If it\'s a programming program set by the manufacturer, it shouldn\'t be able to speak Selin."

The program is dead. The only information channel that this spacecraft can obtain the Serin language can only be the language text delivered by the collectors for diplomacy not long ago.

This is also the side proof that there are intelligent bodies on this spaceship!

And more likely, the intelligence is the robot in front of the collector!

"What are you...?" The collector asked vaguely with some vigilance, "A life? Or is it just a machine?

"You asked... three questions... I can\'t... answer you... because I don\'t know the answer either."

The robot\'s stumbling answer may be that the program is not good enough, or the hardware is not good enough, and what it says to the collector is intermittently.

"Are you coming to me?" The collector asked.


"What do you want me to do?"


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