How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 584 - 585 Star Resource Development Mission (8)

Chapter 584: Chapter 585 Star Resource Development Mission (8)

As the speed of osmium ions in the orbit continues to increase, collectors are also gradually increasing the energy level of the electric field in the orbit to ensure that the osmium ions will not rush out of the electric field and hit the inner wall of the orbit.

The improvement of the energy level is gradually and slowly, and the collectors are cautious and cautious at each step.

Gradually, the ring orbiting around the star has an obvious gravitational effect, but it is very weak. When people stand in orbit, they feel like standing on the moon. Every step is slow, and they can\'t step on the ground with too much force, otherwise they will float into space and fall back for a long time. The surface of the ring.

If human children are on the surface of the ring at this time, they may feel novel because of such a low gravity state and keep jumping and playing games, but this is not an interesting game, but a very dangerous behavior.

The ring is not the moon and cannot be directly linked to the situation of the moon. If the person jumps too far in one breath, the jumper will be captured by the gravity of the red dwarf. The final result is that it cannot fall back to the surface of the ring, but falls into the red plasma fire sea of the red dwarf.

The gravity of the ring continues to increase, the speed of the ion beam is increasing and increasing, and the self-decay speed of ions is exponentially slowing down, because the macroscopic time is constantly slowing down. For ions, it is most appropriate to describe it as the concept of \'blinking is a thousand years\'.

The gravity of the ring quickly surpassed the gravity of the earth and slowly moved closer to Jupiter\'s gravity. In the process, the orbital ring is also reducing its size in equal proportion, just like a data model built by a computer that can be scaled arbitrarily.

The reason for this effect is gravity. With the increase of gravity, the material density of the ring itself is increasing. It is simpler to understand that it is like a pile of cotton, constantly exerting external pressure on this cotton and compacting it. The volume of cotton will become smaller and smaller, but the mass remains unchanged. The ring is almost the same situation. However, these are not compressed cotton, but atoms.

When the gravity of the ring is greater than the central pressure of Jupiter, the tunnel inside the ring suddenly surges with a current, which comes from the accumulated liquid metal hydrogen.

The atomic structure of liquid metal hydrogen is \'proton-electron-proton\'. The two protons share an electron. Now the gravity pulls very close distance between the two protons. One proton squeezes the original orbit of the electron and squeezes out, thus forming a solid structure of a simple and parallel crystal such as \'proton-proton\', which is squeezed The electrons out of the electron orbit form a very strong current.

However, because the proton is locked by gravitational pressure, the magnetic force formed by this current has failed to destroy the structure of the proton lattice, which in turn enhances the strength of the electric field.

In the end, a stable and slow orbit around the star, even the star scale can still ensure its own strength, and a ring that can continuously extract material from the star is formed.

At this time, when the ring ratio was just built, it shrank by half. The diameter of the ring fell from the original two astronomical units to one astronomical unit, and the distance of the ring from the red dwarf decreased from one astronomical unit to half an astronomical unit.

"It\'s done!"

"It\'s a magic job!"

"How great..."

At the beginning of gravitational formation, stellar matter reached the other side of the ring, but these are all charged particles blown by the stellar wind. With the increase of the attraction of the ring and the closer distance, more and more stellar matter are considered in the direction of the ring. In the end, in addition to the stellar wind at the north and south poles of the star, Part of his stellar wind blows towards the ring.

From a macro perspective, the red dwarf, together with the overall structure of the ring, is like a circular UFO, with a very round and bright plasma material in the middle, which then spreads outward and spreads until the position of the ring is received.

Stellar matter in the form of a plasma cloud, because it is charged by itself, when it is close to the ring, it will be deflected by a strong magnetic field placed in the vertical direction of the ring surface to a more accurate position on the ring. At these positions, there is a diversion port, and these plasma will be introduced into the electric field tunnel, reverse accelerated, and cooled by solid helium.

Everything is as originally planned by the collectors.

"Hurry up! Keep up with the drop in temperature!"

"Hurry up and send this batch of used helium to the cooling giant!"

"Take away the cooled star material quickly!"

After about a month, almost equivalent to the mass of the earth being extracted from a red dwarf. According to this mining rate, if the supernova explosion caused by the red dwarf cannot continue to restrain nuclear fusion due to its own gravity, this red dwarf can be used by collectors to mine 137 50 years.

This is only a red dwarf with a mass of only half of the sun. If it is a blue dwarf, supergiant stars, it can extract a larger mass.

Many giant structures have been conceived, especially the cooling giant structure, because heat accumulation is a very fatal problem for the ring, so a large number of cooling giant structures are needed. After cooling helium, it is handed over to the high pressure giant structure to compress into solid-state helium resources.

Only these solid helium are naturally obtained from red dwarfs. Celestial bodies such as stars, especially small stars, and light mass substances such as hydrogen and helium are very rich in resources.

With a period of mining, the collectors in this star system suddenly found that they had become \'rich\', and the materials they mined far exceeded what they needed, just like a poor man suddenly got tens of trillion dollars in cash, found that there was still a mountain of money left, giving people the illusion that they can\'t spend it all.

Therefore, there is a suggestion from the collector.

"Should we stop?"

Since you can\'t spend such a huge amount of cash in a while, don\'t spend it first. There is no need to spend it all in one go - this is the idea of the proposer.

This idea quickly resonated with other collectors. Srift has always been a tradition of collectors, and it is enough to exploit resources only when necessary.

So how to stop?

The method is very simple. On the one hand, it reverses the gravitational ring to weaken the motion speed of the ion beam moving around the orbit, thus lowering the gravity.

However, there is not much decline, because the strength of the ring itself is considered at the macro scale, so gravity still exists, just at the level equivalent to the atmospheric pressure in the center of Jupiter.

But in this way, stellar matter will still be attracted by the ring, but it is not as crazy as before.

For this reason, the collectors rely on the strong magnetic field to deflectorically shift the stellar material attracted by gravity to the vertical direction of the ring. These stellar materials deflected by the magnetic field will fall into the red dwarf again due to the gravity of the red dwarf themselves, forming a cycle.

Of course, the collectors will not suffer losses, not to mention the actions taken for frugation, which deflected the strong magnetic field energy of the stellar matter from the light of the red dwarf star, so that there is no need for the collectors to add additional energy to maintain it.

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