The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 419 Perfect

"Your expertise in medicine is phenomenal. Many times, I nearly died in the hands of the crown prince Joaquin, but you… bring me back to life. And thus, I sentence you to death… as a token of gratitude for your hard work."

The faint sound coming from all directions slowly faded as the two looked at each other in silence. When a minute had passed, the side of Javier\'s lips curled up into a smirk.

"I didn\'t do it for the sake of my brother." Unlike the usual nonchalance Javier displayed in front of everyone including Joaquin, the air he exuded felt different. The corner of his eyes squinted, but was unable to hide the malice in them.

"You were a good vessel, Princess. After going through hell… you never lost touch with reality. It was unbelievable," he continued and his voice had a tinge of amusement, like a madman thrilled about a discovery. "I had seen many, many people who would lose their minds after reaching a certain level of pain they had never imagined."

"But you…" Javier flicked his finger in her direction. "Nothing broke you. Not the execution of your beloved family, nor the torment of being forced-pleasured by the man you loathed the most. You didn\'t break despite the shame of getting dragged naked by the ninth princess, nor walking on a burning hearth. Even running in a freezing winter didn\'t break your spirit! It was… amazing!"

He beamed in awe, making her frown as he listed down a few of the sufferings she had gone through. At this point, nothing would faze Aries anymore. Not the past, not the future, and definitely not the present. Although the way he talked like a maniac slightly sent a chill down her spine, she easily squashed it down.

"You are amazing, Princess Aime." Javier nodded in agreement, smiling with his lips closed. "That is why you were chosen."

Aries frowned. "Chosen?" she narrowed her eyes, stopping herself from lurching forward and slitting his throat. He was the last one — except Joaquin — on her list.

"Yes. Chosen." Javier smiled. "Chosen to hold something so dear… even Joaquin would be terrified of."

"What are you babbling about now?" she took a step forward with her sword thrust ahead. "I can only give you a moment to stall —"

"I\'m not stalling, Princess. I\'m not." He shook his head, keeping calm despite the situation. "I know one day you will come back and exact your vengeance. Although I must admit I didn\'t expect you to come back as a crown princess, but I had always known you will when I ordered someone to loosen your ropes that time."

Aries instantly froze and looked at him blankly. What did he say?

"Did you really think those ropes will come off easily?" he cocked his head to the side, batting his eyes ever so tenderly. "They\'ve always bound you, and never once were you able to escape. Did you think it was all God\'s will or as simple as getting lucky?"

Javier chuckled in satisfaction at seeing the realization wash over her eyes. "Yes, Princess. It is I who gave you that chance to escape this hell." His lips stretched from ear to ear until his teeth were showing.

For a moment, her mouth opened and closed like a fish, but her voice wouldn\'t come out. When she recovered, what came was a short and muffled voice. "Why?"


"Why… did you free me?" she asked, this time with a much firmer tone. "What will you attain by freeing me from your brother\'s shackles, Javier? What will you get by betraying Joaquin?"

"What will I get?" Javier hummed a long tune and pondered for an answer. After a minute, his lips stretched once more until his eyes were squinting.



"Yes!" he nodded without the slightest shame. "I was intrigued about what you will do once you regain freedom again. Although there\'s a little possibility you won\'t come back, but with your personality, you will surely exact your revenge one way or another. Maybe… awaken as well."

Javier leisurely strutted in her direction until he was standing in front of her. Unfazed by the bloodstained woman before him, he tilted his head to the side.

"Moreover, I betrayed no one, Princess. I stayed with Joaquin because he gives me the liberty to explore and satisfy my interest," he continued in a low voice, holding her gaze without a shred of fear in his eyes. "He doesn\'t trust me, but he trusts my enthusiasm to explore new things, or excavate those that shan\'t exist."

His lip curled up, sizing her up as if he was staring at his own creation. "You were my masterpiece, Princess." He nodded encouragingly.

"And dying in your hands… is an honor." Javier took another step and caressed her cheek, unfazed by the blood that stained his knuckles. "You are so perfect and wonderful... Maleficent."

Aries didn\'t budge as she studied the thrill gleaming in his eyes. Everything he had said didn\'t make sense to her, but somehow, her head throbbed at his last remarks. She narrowed her eyes, studying him solemnly and silently. She was no stranger to lust, but Javier didn\'t give off the same air. Although his aura of madness was distinct, she couldn\'t exactly point out what it was exactly.

But what she was certain was that this man… saw her as a doll he sewed himself. Aries blinked ever so tenderly, slowly putting all his nonsense at the back of her head where she could think about it later.

"If dying in my hands is an honor…" Aries took a calm step forward, decreasing their distance. "Then die with honor."

A wet squishy sound caressed their ears as he clutched her shoulders on instinct. Her cold expression remained. Pulling out the sword that was plunged into his stomach, only to thrust it back one more time.

Javier coughed out blood, staining her already bloodstained shoulders. His fingers pressed on her skin, but the blood and sweat covering her skin eventually led him to slide down to his knees after getting stabbed multiple times.

Aries took a step back and as soon as she did, Javier landed face first with a thud. She didn\'t even bat an eye when blood pooled underneath his body. Her lips parted, but no words came out.

In the end, Aries turned on her heel and walked away silently and slowly, without looking back or revealing any sense of accomplishment for eliminating everyone on her list. All that was revealed in her eyes was exhaustion from all that fighting and the wounds unseen underneath the thick red covering her.

Little did she know, as she left the area where Javier\'s body was, his fingers twitched minutes after she went away.

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