Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 620 Eyes of Chaos

Chapter 620 Eyes of Chaos

[Rainbow Dude]: Alex, do you want to give up now, or do you want to still persist? I assure you, if you dare to be more stubborn here, I will not make thing easier for you.

[Alex]: Shut up! Since you know that I am cursed, then don’t think that I can let you off now!

[Rainbow Dude]: Hoho, so you’re saying that you’ll kill me just because I know about your Chaos Curse? What logic is that?

[Alex]: Logic? You dare talk about logic while you’re a Child of Chaos? Hmph, I never met someone as erroneous as you!

[Rainbow Dude]: ....

Alex might sound like he was enraged, but deep inside him, Alex’s main emotions were worry and panic.

How could Alex not panic? The Rainbow Dude’s abilities were much more dangerous than what he expected, and this man actually discovered about the Chaos Curse too!

There is no way that Alex can feel safe now that his opponent has discovered everything.

Now, it is either Alex dies from fighting, or his opponent will die, keeping his discoveries under the grave!

[Alex]: You know Rainbow Dude, I actually thought about sparing you earlier since you are a creature that is hard to kill. But since you have seen one my deepest secrets, I already changed my mind. You have to die today, and I cannot accept any other results other than that!

[Rainbow Dude]: Hoho, you will be killing me? Good luck with that, Alex. Let’s see if your current state is enough... to break all the chaos that I have placed here!

[Alex]: ...

At this point, Alex did not say anything else, as he knew that engaging with further talks with the Rainbow Dude will just worsen things.

Instead, Alex focused himself on what he should do in order to win.

But before Alex could formulate some plans inside his mind, his companions, who all looked like they had received a surprising news, suddenly interrupted him.

[Alina]: Alex, what did or opponent say about a curse? Is it true that you were cursed?

[Delia]: The Rainbow Dude said something... about a Chaos Curse? Interesting. I never thought I will not see a curse like this in my life...

[Queen Mother]: So the curse is the reason why you’re sometimes a wimp? Count me enlightened.

[Alex]: ....


After Alex’s Companions heard the conversation between Alex and the Rainbow Dude, their attention was seemingly piqued up when the Rainbow Dude mentioned something related to the Chaos Curse. And the fact that Alex was supposedly affected by it just made their interest increase.

So much was their interest, that they began pestering Alex about it right now, even when they were supposed to be fighting!

[Alex]: Tsk, I admit it. I was cursed in the past, and it is making me suffer. However, I don’t like to talk about my curse now, since we don’t have any time. If you want to know more about the curse, then we should defeat our opponent first! Do you all understand that?

Alex did not hesitate to raise his voice against his allies at this point, as he was now pissed towards them too.

If Alex’s companions wanted to gossip about him, then they can do it on their free time. But now? now is not time for useless things like this!

[Alex]: If you understand, then stop talking already. I will be the only one who will talk here, and all of you will just listen to me! Do you understand that?

"Nod nod nod." Alex’s companions reply were only numerous silent nods, which were enough to show that they got his message.

[Rainbow Dude]: Hahaha! Even with your Chaos Curse, you can still command these women like your followers, Alex! This is really impressive! You look like you’re fighting the effects of the curse with you best effort! Hah~. This just makes you more interesting to me!

This comment by the Rainbow Dude appeared to make Alex’s rage almost boil over, but with his body still in pain and agony, Alex could only gnash his teeth as he glared at his opponent.

As much as he looked like he wanted to attack the Rainbow Dude, Alex still did not have any enough strength to do it.

This made Alex’s situation appear hopeless, since he and his allies seemed to have no way to use their powers properly against the Rainbow Dude.

But even in this dire state, Alex did not lose the spark of ferocity in his eyes. Instead, this spark actually burned brighter, as if Alex’s intent to win has increased too!

[Alex]: ....Just ignore our opponent’s rambling talks. That’s the best that he can do, since he cannot personally attack us. So instead of listening to his taunts, just focus on finding your strengths! Because that is the only way that we can win!

Alex shouted these words out loud to his Companions, who all trembled as they heard him.

How could they not tremble, when Alex infused all of his charisma and persuasive power in his words?

It was as if Alex was trying this best to convince his Companions to fight right now, and the words that he just said was his attempt to make them move.

But instead of getting inspired, Alex’s companions instead began wearing a confused look on their faces, as they became mystified by what he said.

Professor Frances particularly, was extremely confused with one of the things that Alex uttered, which she did not hesitate to point out.

[Professor Frances]: Alex, you’re saying that the Rainbow Dude cannot personally attack us? What do you mean by that? If he cannot attack us, then how was he able to make us feel this much pain?

From the latest words that Alex had uttered, his mention about the Rainbow Dude being unable to ’attack personally’ was something that did not sit well to Professor Frances, as well as the other Companions.

How could it be possible that the Rainbow Dude was unable to personally attack them, when everything that he did were already hurting their bodies!

If these are not personal attacks, then what are they?

This ’minor flaw’ made Professor Frances and the others look at Alex with doubt, as they found his words hard to believe. Alina and Delia were the only ones who did not give Alex this doubtful look, although they were frowning too.

Fortunately for Alex, he quickly detected the looks of doubt given to him by his Companions, allowing him to give an explanation towards them.

[Alex]: Alina, remember what I told you earlier. The Childs of Chaos were beings that were born from The Chaos itself. Even though they are technically ’living creatures’, the way they use their power is not similar to the Power Systems here in the Multiverse.

[Alex]]: In this multiverse, we follow a power stage system, where each higher stages of powerr corresponds to a higher level of strength. Stage 2 is stronger than Stage 1, Stage 4 is stronger than Stage 2, and so on and so forth. That is the basic system in this area.

[Alex]: But since the Childs of Chaos were not from the Multiverse, their powers does not rely on stages. Instead, their power relies more on how much chaos they had already done in their life.

[Alex]: The more chaos and disorder that a Child of Chaos had made, the more power that it will have inside its body.

[Alex]: Do you know what that means? That mean that a Child of Chaos has no limits or bottlenecks on getting stronger. They just have to destroy, disrupt, and bring disorder, and their chaos power will naturally increase!

[Alina]: What the hell? That’s how their powers work? That’s-

[Rainbow Dude]: Unfair? Yes, it’s unfair. But what can you do about it? Nothing! Hehehe...

[Alina]: ....

[Alex]: Just like what the Rainbow Dude said, the way that they get stronger is unfair. However, that does not make things really bad.

[Rainbow Dude]: Yep, that’s right. After-

[Alex]: After all, even if their powers has a chance to easily get stronger, the way that a Child of Chaos uses their power is not that easy...

[Professor Frances]: So, is this the point where the weakness of a Child of Chaos will be explained? Go on Alex, quickly say it.

[Alex]: ...A Child of Chaos has the task of bringing disorder and chaos in the Multiverse. This task gave any Child of Chaos a set of powers, which were the only ones that they can use.

[Alex]: The first power is the ability to manipulate the fortune or misfortune of anyone or anything that the Child of Chaos chooses. With this ability, a Child of Chaos can easily make his opponents suffer bad luck or make someone experience good luck.

[Alex]: By using this abilty in the right situation, a Child of Chaos can easily change the way that a situation unfolds.

[Alex]: In our case Alina, the Rainbow Dude obviously used his power to make our misfortune reach maximum levels. That is the reason why we can’t use our powers properly now.

[Alina]: Tsk. So we’re just unlucky now? Ugh, I never thought bad luck can be this ’bad’....

[Alex]: The second ability is somewhat absurd too. A Child of Chaos can, in a given situation, influence a creature to perform an action. This action can be anything, but this action will only work if that creature can do it.

[Alex]: This ability works well on extremely weak creatures, and if a Child of Chaos wanted it to, these weak creatures can kill themselves.

[Alex]: But if this ability were to be used on stronger creatures like us, the best actions that he can make us do were only the minor ones. Minor actions like coughing, slipping, or just talking....

[Alex]: I am not sure on how a Child of Chaos can do it, but I guess it is related to the domain of Fate itself...

[Alina]: Oh? So is that how the Rainbow Dude did it? So that’s the reason why I could see hundreds of threads coming out of his body. Wait, are those FateThreads? Yes... they’re all Fate Theads! F**k what a despicable being! You actually dare touch the threads of Fate itself? You-

[Rainbow Dude]: Hey, hey, hey! Who are you calling despicable here, huh? For your information, my action manipulation is a great power, so don’t look down on it!

[Alina]: Tsk, no matter what you say, I will not forgive you now! You dare touch something that must not be touched! You-

[Rainbow Dude]: Oops, why did a large piece of space rock suddenly fell on your head, Alina? Did you perhaps incur the ire of someone from above? Tsk, tsk, tsk, how unlucky of you...

[Alina]: !!!

Just like Alex, Alina looked like she was about to burst from anger too, which is making her so much enthused on attacking the Rainbow Dude.

Such action should make Alex worry, but instead of looking at her, Alex just continued his monologue.

[Alex]: A Child of Chaos’ third ability is just as absurd as the first two. Through its own eyes, a Child of Chaos can see the objects or people that if manipulated, can lead to a lot of disorder and chaos.

[Alex]: This ability is called as ’Eyes of Chaos’, since it gives a Child of Chaos the best choice to start a chaotic situation.

[Alex]: With the Eyes of Chaos, a Child of Chaos can easily see what things will bring disorder to a world. To a normal person, buying a jade might not be of any consequence. But to a Child of Chaos, it can see that jade as something that could lead to the destruction of that world!

[Rainbow Dude]: You ever heard of the ’Butterfly Effect’? That’s just how this power works!

[Alina]: !!!

[Alex]: Because of this power, once a Child of Chaos arrives in a world, it can quickly set up things that will make everything chaotic...

[Alex]: In our case, the Rainbow Dude must have done things years ago that now lead us to this scenario.

[Alex]: I don’t know what the Rainbow Dude did to make things happen, but he must have seduced, swindled, and manipulated a lot of people and objects just to reach this point...

[Rainbow Dude]: You’re absolutely right, Alex. If you were just a Child of Chaos, then you will know how much effort I used just to make things go my way! Seriously, it is so tiring already!


At this point, everyone from Alex and his Companions were all tired of the Rainbow Dude’s endless babbling. Even Alex has lost his interest to talk, as he was more interested on actually pummeling his opponent.

But Alex still held on, as he knew that what he will say next were the words that can potentially make him win.

[Alex]: ... Those three were the usual abilities of a Child of Chaos. There are other abilities too, and they are just as oriented for creating chaos.

[Alex]: These abilities might look like a cheat, but there is a limitation on them.

[Alex]: You see, a Child of Chaos can use these abilities as much as it wanted.

[Alex]: However, a Child of Chaos is not allowed to use anything else other than its abilities against its opponents.

[Alex]: That means that a Child of Chaos cannot attack its victims with its own body, as that is not an ability related to chaos.

[Alina]: !!!!

[Alex]: A Child of Chaos can hurt its opponent by making them unlucky or making someone fight them. But for a Child of Chaos to stab an opponent is impossible, since that is not a power granted to them....

[Alex]: Because of that limitation, it makes it impossible for the Rainbow Dude to actually punch us right now. That, is a limitation that we can exploit. But we can only succeed in this exploitation if we have a proper plan...

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